
Favorite Moment?
When the girls popped out before the second commercial break and they did a sound fade out a la "Lost"! I got so excited I felt like a geek.

This is my least favorite episode of the series.

Port of Call
Good Call!

Excellent Portrayl of down Syndrome
Even though randomly introducing a disabled character may seem sentamental it was delightful to see down Syndrome handled with such care. Both actresses they chose with down Syndrome were excellent. Everyone is commenting on Sue's performance but just because the charecters actually

I loved juliet in this episode! The way she was putting on a show and then automatically turned it off. And then Kate's look on her face when she experienced who Juliet is was classic. It reminded me of when Juliet took a gun to Sawer and was Kate's and Sawer's overseer when they were slaming gravel. I loved that

Liberty Mutual
I found this on the wiki page for Kings and it made me VERY nervous. "Kings was also the beneficiary of an unusual sponsorship arrangement; insurance giant Liberty Mutual not only sponsored Kings with $5 million, but was allowed to play a strong role in the show's creative development — including "the

I totally agree about the beginning of this season being like the beginning of season 1. Good observation