fool on the hill

Maybe it's the pixelated penis the guy has for a left eye.

Enormous Co..c …k

If only Masanobu Ando had been born American..

He's saying it's a white guy.

Hell yes. Season 2 is the arguably the show's best, largely because of Margo Martindale.

I always thought The Kinks, "Death of a Clown" and the Beatles "With A Little Help With My Friends" sounded alike.

I actually think Iris looks a hell of a lot like Laurel.

Good God! It's like I was there.

David Carradine?

As an Asian person, this is an obligatory watch. I do hope all 5.3% of Asians Americans in America watch this as well. It's really going to make a difference. Oh yeah, and the rest of America. That would probably help.

It's about a sentient stairlift.

Dream? You haven't seen the Hobbit movies, have you?

Thirty three, according by Wikipedia.

Every time I hear this song, I'm reminded of the far superior song of the same name by Lorraine Ellison. Now that's a belter.

Benedict Wong for Wong? He's also British so he would be a perfect fit.

If Grantchester was about a town populated by Hugh Grant clones, would you watch it?

To be fair, that hairstyle isn't doing him any favors.

The Specials - Little Bitch

Oh come on.. they're immensely watchable. At least, his Hong Kong films are.

He's in Hot Fuzz too. He plays the mumbly farmer.