fool on the hill

Does she ever close her mouth though?

(Serious…wood.. tilts strongly to the right.)

Musically, it's debatable. But Davies was in another league when it came to lyrics. No Beatles song has ever moved me as much as "Two Sisters."

"…but that doesn’t make the image of them yelling about how much they can’t stand each other sting any less (no matter how funny it still is, baby)."

You're very welcome, Alexander Puss.


Reverse-Flash was legitimately terrifying. I wouldn't want it staring at me from the top of a building next door. *shudders*

A pun? Well, that was quake.

I can see the next headline..

I'm kind of surprised they didn't incorporate the Wilhelm scream there.

Admit it though, "Where are my dragons?" would sound better and more badass if Arnold said it.

So.. is Jason Clarke the new Sam Worthington?

I hope this episode finally puts a rest to the Cisco hate. His enthusiasm was contagious, and he got the funniest lines too.

I'm not familiar with him either but after seeing this picture of him, I was immediately saddened

Sure thing, Mr. Elvis Costello!


I might do the same. Those two albums tend to go nicely with the season.

Great pick. What we all need is more Pulp. More Pulp for the Common people.

So you're saying the snow was an obstacle… particularly the first one they've had.

You have described every sketch show ever.