
His Tesla in The Prestige is fantastic. I remember thinking at the time that a Tesla biopic starring Bowie would have made an incredible movie.


can't believe no one's mentioned
that the press release states that because they're cutting off the remaining episodes we'll have to wait until 2011 "to see the final five". Wouldn't put it past SyFy to have cancelled five episodes just so they could make this "joke".


what's next?
avatar 2?

Oh, you post-shoegaze hating monster! Alpinisms was incredible, and about the worst thing you can say about this one is that the vocals are a bit high in the mix.

Check out YSH and then compare it to the first Harry Potter movies (all Chis Columbus directed). The Malfoy character in YSH is frankly spooky…

great movie
my house is in it. almost.

am i the only one
who was disappointed that this wasn't the big-screen version of the AV-club column?

Frank Wilson
Do I love you, indeed I do.

the still on the first clip
is that muzzle-flash intentionally phallic? it's like someone looked at the footage and thought "you know what would improve this sequence? A gigantic, subliminally flashing cock on the end of that gun!"

Out of my way, peck!

you had me at "clunky old theme-park ride".

well, they made doc hollywood 2, right?

serious step up
I've followed torchwood from the beginning. you have to be generous to get through the first two series (especially the first) but children of earth is a different beast entirely. It's made all the better for the fact that the scene that are the most terrifying aren't the ones with the alins or the

There was a team of DC pet superheroes (including ace the bat hound) called "big Dog". Apparently they had a little song that went "Big dig! big dog! bow wow wow! we'll stop evil, now now now!"

I tried to read this abortion of a novel but could get past about page 20. It reminded me more than anything else of the utterly dreadful short story from the beginning of "Throw Momma from the Train" in which we have dialogue like

and yet, I am unmoved.