
Not "Portabello Road?"

Clinton's campaign slogan wasn't "I'm With Her" it was "Stronger Together."

They do copy-edit their features and other pieces, but TV Club reviews are posted as quickly as possible.

"Motel Blues" is a great song, but c'mon - why igore "Road Ode?" It's snarky, desperate fun.

Or the slightly less common zombie best friend who betrayed other zombie best friend, but it might all be a metaphor for a zombie gay relationship.

No damn story
Can we please note that there wasn't a hint of a story in the amazing Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet's piece? And there doesn't need to be. It's starting to make me really angry how story-obsessed everyone on this show is. Dance does not need to have story, and you don't have to connect to a narrative to

It always concerns me when people start talking about connecting to the story. Dance doesn't actually have to be narrative to be good. How much you connected to the story is not the measure of good dance. There's so much else there. I would love to see everyone be less obsessed with story and more about the dance and

SimpleGreen - Might have jumped in there too quickly. It's a pet peeve of mine when people have a WTF reaction to stylization. Sorry about that.

I actually don't understand what the issue is. Is it impossible to accept a stylized choice, instead of having to justify it? Sometimes the characters talk to the audience. Done. It doesn't have to be a documentary to have moments of direct address. Realism is overrated.