
The fucking Tobias stuff needs to end, mind.

As an Australia, yes I have, many times.

We elected Clive Palmer to the Senate a few years back.
(He of insane Titanic 2 fame)


I came to the show in season 3, and caught up with 1 and 2 over a weekend after rushing out to get them on DVD.

Maybe we'll finally see Artemis' bleached arsehole!

Ah yes.
Flanders with the Gas, Verdun with the mud. And misery. And unparalleled, long-term human suffering on a scale previously unknown to man.
And gas.

The internet… was that maniac!

The internet's coming here?!

He buy DVD's ? What a dweeb!

How did R1 fix TFA for you?

"I crack my neck pretty regularly. It upsets and nauseates my wife as well as my mother"

Man, that season 3 episode of The Americans…. fuuuck. I felt legitimately light headed and had to lay flat on the floor for a minute or so.

Hitler never trolled anyone on Twitter.

"planned" ?!?!?!?!?!

Ah wait I'm thinking of Goering.

Dude, all that morphine can give anyone the giggles.

This is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen you post this, I believe.

Much younger me - 17 - had no idea the origin of the band name Zyklon was.
All I knew is I fucking loved this new death metal album I'd discovered, and thought their logo was so badass, so much so I almost convinced myself to get it tattooed….

In this context, "Zycling" is an utterly tremendous pun about a horrendous, horrendous substance used in unspeakable acts.