

I hate dating apps, will this work for me?

And a fine day to you, Sir

The thing with the term "friend-zone" is, isn't the "zone", like, 100%, entirely superfluous?

Had sooo many Lamingtons on Australia day last week :P

I actually prefer Marmite to Vegemite (UK Marmite, not the Kiwi variant) but I'm not allowed to admit that, or they'll deport me.

Damn straight. Great as a side to an egg and bacon fry up, as a hangover cure.

IS that a term I should google here at work, or wait until I'm home… I'm guessing, home?

Oh sure, double down on the Australian hating, lads.

And baseball-batting.

Yes, we've all seen Ilsa.

They started already, in 1999

Depends which kind of claymore you allow him to use, and how generous we are with our description of "decapitate"

" Zydrunas Savickas" is exactly the kind of name I'd expect a strongman to have.

Someone's already made all the obvious jokes, right? Lousy antipodean time difference.

Me: "It's going to be Starless, isn't it?"

I like this comment.

This shit is getting seriously surreal.
Like, we're already beyond the point where we'd be if this whole schtick was fictional satire. No one would believe it.

No I'm fine, I'm taking the break-up well, why do you ask?