Well, if you had told me this morning when I woke up that I'd hear about a Trump feud in which I'd be siding with Trump, I'd have spat my coffee in your face. But here we are.
Well, if you had told me this morning when I woke up that I'd hear about a Trump feud in which I'd be siding with Trump, I'd have spat my coffee in your face. But here we are.
"Shoplifting is a victimless crime. Like punching someone in the dark."
Without any actual superpowers of his own, all Batman’s got is deep
pockets, a bunch of gadgets, and fancy cars. He’s just your typical
trust fund baby."
My love for this movie is 50% childhood nostaliga, 50% ironic, and 50% earnest, geniune affection.
I'm some guy!
Anyone who can't enjoy TTG! because of their hardcore DC fandom is fucking dead inside.
Watch it constantly with my 2 young kids. (TTG!, not Always Sunny, because I'm not a monster)
Counter-point: Many people gloss over the fact he;s killing Jared Leto, so really, was Bateman really the villain of the piece?
Yeah, "looks like.
Donald Trump would very much like to speak with you
Ah, but which 66.6%? There-in lies the mystery.
Let's be honest though - it's bee so in-gained in our fabric for such a long time we all stopped noticed, but really… Star Wars is a fucking terrible name. A C-grade name for a B-grade throwback film of A-grade quality.
Did we really make it through the Neruda entry without a Simpsons quote?!?
My word, that' a heck of an anachronistic headline.
(… I love you too)
I'm not even going to eat it.
You're on a tight leash, Councillor!