
Total Dystopian Nightmare - wasn't that the name of Iced Earth's latest?

Preaching to the Kim Deal loving choir here, brother.

The only reason I don't think Radiohead are the greatest band of all time is because Pink Floyd exist.

This guy gets it.

No house is a home without a copy of Moving Pictures, at the VERY least. I'd argue about 2112 being utterly mandatory also at this point.

Absolutely. Dio Appreciation should be a mandated part of the core curriculum. From an early age kids should learn the basics of Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Stargazer.

Yes, well, that's arguably quite acceptable.

Hahahaha this is so fucking true.

Slip is a fucking phenomenal record. Still a real earkicker.

Don't think metal's his jam, dude.

Well, now I'm torn: Dude has epic taste in music - Oils, Hunters, and NXS we're his first live acts?

Or, in my case, going the next level, being a snarky contrarian, and waiting for people of my generation to make these observations, and then reminding those people of my generation that our shit was just as shit as this generation's shit, and smugly pointing out I hated it back when were were young, too.

Liam Gallagher is rather conflicted about this comment.

My (literal) list of book to read is fucking blowing out something fierce lately. There's, like, 50 on there. And now one more.

What, literally?

Just don't let him Zuckerberg you

Satan already has the best taste in bands, if he's with Hillary then I'm definitely in.

I don't believe it's even been noticed or observed before, but that Mariah Carey is a little busty, is she not?


Oh, you beat me to it by a few minutes.