
See, my first thought on hearing "douche canoe" was immediately of the ancient Mesopotamian form of torture/execution called "The Boats" (Probably because I recently finished a fantastic Hardcore History podcast on the Assyrian and Achaemenid-Persian empire) for reasons that will become horrifically obvious if you

"Then there is the issue of Godzilla’s adorable biological offspring, Minilla.

"For that reason, Godzilla’s penis may be the monster-movie equivalent of Schröndinger’s cat."

We were. Then in a classic case of comedic reversal of expectations, it was humorous implied we were in-fact discussing Jon Favreau.

That lead male… got a minor case case of the Rodney Dangerfield's about him.

Was hoping it would perhaps be Diasterpeace, whose score for It Follows was fucking stupendous.

So, basically, humanity is garbage, yes?

Regrettably! Fuck I could go a Bloomin' onion right about… always.
But the nearest OBSH is 45 minutes away.

Fuck yes to Korean style Friend Chicken.


My god, there is going to be SO much masturbation to this.

Nu-Metal, like Judgement Day, was inevitable.
At least it was mercifully brief.

What the FUCK is going on with the faces of Estevez and Piven in that photo? That's some insane airbrushing.

Oh, you beat me to the joke. By 5 Days. Well, damn.

Woh, woh, woh… There's a New Mexico?

Oh, so it's YOUR fault? Lets get him, Gen Y'ers!

Have 3 episodes of Futurama left for this very reason.

Let's not say anything we can't take back.

ParaNorman edges Coraline. So fucking fantastic.

I should get around to it. I loved Coraline and ParaNorman. How's it stack up?