I shouldn't have said that about your wife, please accept my apologies.
I shouldn't have said that about your wife, please accept my apologies.
Hmmmm, I might need to re-think this through….
Honestly, let me make you a combined Load/Reload album, with some edits, (and here's the crucial part) not call it a Metallica album, and it's a fucking fantastic record that stands alongside the best of 90's alternative rock. Easily the peer of your Alice in chains, Soundgardens, etc.
+ all the smoking and drinking.
That's because I am you, while you sleep. Duh. Haven't you figured this out yet? Why do you think you keep waking with cuts, bruises, and STF's?
I'm in that doc. For about half a second but I'm there. *waves*
I cal it the best since BNW, but I fucking love BNW.
I fucking knew years and year ago that that entire episode was a warning of my future.
My3 year old is obsessed with Ghost. Hook 'em in with the catchy stuff!
Oh, really? Well there you go.
(I refused to watch it on principle - I hated St. Anger so much)
I'm posting from THE WORLD OF TOMORROW!!!!!!!
Also known as Australia.
I know Iron Maiden was huge. I'm a massive Iron Maiden fan.
And yes, as you say, for a time they were one of the biggest *METAL* bands in the world.
Iron Maiden's fame, at their peak, is nowhere near Metallica's Fame, at their peak.
Yes. An now let's see all the abuse she'll get anyway! Over to you, internet!
Sounds like you need to do a better job educating him on music.
It sounds like a track title from a 3rd rate Nu-Metal Roadrunner band circa 2002.
ReLoad is half a fantastic album.
1990's me used to obsessively buy all the singles to get the demo version B-sides.
I 100% promise you that when they came up with that line, it was a real chair-pusher also. You just know it.
I thought it was about Dan?