Watching the Detectives

And Sally dresses up in mini-skirts, go-go boots and makeup because she doesn't want to know what goes on in the world? Shit, she's eager to explore the entire world. Part of the intrigue of growing up is exploring the unknown, even if it may be a little scary at the same time.

Damn you people are naive. Hey, Grim Fandango, about 50% of girls lose their virginity in high school, including 13% who've had sex by age 15. And the stats were about the same back in the '60s. Do you people actually believe that Sally, of all girls, has not already been sexualized by witnessing her father's wanton

"How's the city?"

Roger had no clue that Sally witnessed his blow job dalliance with Megan's mother-in-law. And even if Roger had known Sally knew and offered the payoff, would Sally have accepted?

LSD significantly changed the creative direction of many great artists, from Robert Crumb to the Beatles. It is likely THE drug which can be classified as providing a gateway into a new reality. What you do with that new reality is entirely up to you, because you will be essentially the same person you were before you

Leary once joked about the potential side effects from using LSD: "There are three side effects of acid:
enhanced long-term memory,
decreased short-term memory,
and I forget the third."

Well, if Jackie stays clean for an extended period, they're gonna have to revamp the opening credits. Then again, after three-plus years, aren't they overdue?

I am rooting for the father. Unless it turns out he sexually molested Jack, which I'm pretty sure is not the case, he demonstrated in two minutes of TV time that he would make a far better parent for Jack than Linden will ever, ever, ever be able to be. Because she is coldly warped and her frozen warpedness will never

I was overjoyed to hear Stan get the news that he would go to prison. Absolutely thrilled. I have no sympathy for such a moronic hothead who shoots first and asks questions (or confirms what is fact and what is not) later.

I want this series to keep going. The premise has a lot of potential, much of which has not been exploited. There's a certain amount of style to the cinematography and the production values are pretty good. I like all the key characters, and while Soto was the most interesting character at the beginning, Lucy has now

Your thoughts on the lead being the "least interesting character" is spot on, though she's certainly not the least interesting to ogle. This dynamic is replicated in an entirely different type of show: Suburgatory.

Stole my thunder. There were a couple other gaffes in the review, but I wasn't going to quibble unless they were brought up in the comments. After all, Will admitted he was a bit rushed every week.

Well, bear in mind that in syndication (should this show be so lucky to make it that long), the two-hour show will be split into two one-hour episodes, so they kinda needed that cliffhanger at the end of the first hour.

I thought season one had some of the most brilliantly written shows in TV history. At times, I was literally astonished by the quality of the writing and the extraordinary world the creators had delivered to us. Gimmick? I don't think the show runners EVER thought they were playing around with a gimmick on Mad Men.

Sarah's been driving me crazy the past few weeks, even though she's always been one of my favorite characters because she was a laid-back mom who could still lay down the law when needed. I like that she's 40 and still trying to find her purpose in life and being creative and hip and willing to buck conventional

Actually, Drew told Amber about Sarah and Mark's plans for the baby when Amber was about to fuck Bob in Sacramento. So Amber already knows. But it won't matter since Sarah and Mark break up in the season finale next week.

"I get that she wants the baby and they have to move fast so she can still biologically have this baby…"

Earlier today I read hundreds of comments on the retrospective review of "Everybody Loves Raymond," many of which said, in effect, "ugh, I hated that show. The characters were dumb, they were so mean to each other, and it was all so shallow!"

This was another one of those episodes that I was deeply peeved by Adam and Kristina's parenting with Haddie. I mean, HELLO, Adam lost his job 10 months ago and you want me to believe they never talked to Haddie about college tuition in ALL those months in between then and now? Oh wait, yes I do believe it, because

But based on Adam's income (virtually zero at ramp up) and Kristina's income (not a whole lot and verifiably at a temporary job), their household is nowhere near upper-middle class (well into six figures). And Adam's "previous year's income" would only be 4 or 5 months of his salary at T&S, since he was fired in APRIL