Watching the Detectives

Oh yeah, she looks so 11 years old! And no doubt, he looks like a pedophile, cuz we all know what a pedophile looks like and he stands out as a classic example of that!

Opinions are opinions, but Perabo's physique is often smartly displayed. She wears short skirts often enough and then there were those scenes with her in a bikini…. She looks terrific even when fully clothed. And I just love watching her unique, oft-kilter face with the Julia Roberts smile contort through various

I haven't seen this ep yet (I wait for a lot of shows to show up on Comcast On Demand so I'm usually too late to comment), but I thought I'd toss in my two cents that I like Covert Affairs quite a bit more than the reviewer.

I've never been a big Kristina fan (warming up to her quite bit this year, though), but what she did WAS a parenting thing. When you have a son like Max, who doesn't pick up on social clues well, you have to adjust your parenting to fit HIS situation. In this case, Lewis was bullying the clueless Max so much that even

When my kids were growing up, I'd never throw games just to let them win. There are SO many ways to boost their self-esteem and make them feel like winners. One is to play games like Yahztee or, indeed, Candyland, where after learning a few tricks of the trade, any bright 7-year-old can beat an adult.

Though the writers may indeed have intended to portray Sydney "getting over her issues," in real life a girl like Sydney would STILL do something just like what Sydney did after losing to Zeek. After all, with both parents and grandpa AND Jabbar watching her like a hawk, and after the punishment she earned the night

The best novelty version was the eerie one they used for the Twin Peaks parody.

I laughed again just reading "Gus is your son too? That's a real game changer." I agree with the posts above lauding Woody the Coroner. He's a one-of-a-kind character.

Piper Perabo a 6.5? I don't think we're using the same scale! She's better looking than Gabrielle and Tiffany, IMO.

Glad to see people remember the Twin Peaks parody; one of the finest comedic hours in the past year.

I agree it was a bummer that Crosby was (once again, actually) doing some humane, compassionate parenting with Jabbar and then screwed it up with a few misplaced words. And of course the misplaced words were the first words that Jabbar remembered about why dad said he should keep lunching with Max. I like Crosby and

The use of sarcasm is irrelevant to my comments about the post. I'm not asking about the aliens' established mind control technology inherent to the harness, but another form that might be utilized by the TLAs. The harness has not been deployed on any adults and therefore is presumed useless in trying to control Tom's

WHO doesn't have mind control technology? When Karen told Tom (paraphrasing); "We can force you to get on the ship," it seemed like she was inferring the TLAs had some sort of mind control ability. Otherwise how could Tom be forced to get on the ship, when Weaver was ready to blow the TLA away with his weapon? I guess

Why skitters target 10 to 16 year old kids
Ryan wonders why the skitters don't harnesss adults and thought I'd hypothesize: The harness is a powerful appendage to the human body that is too toxic for young children. It requires a certain durability from the host body, which kids younger than about 10 do not have. If

Methinks some people need to look up the definition of sociopath. My ex-wife is one. Parker is not.

After too-high grades, now we get too-low grades
Bearing in mind that AV grades on a curve, I thought the past couple weeks were better than the average grades they received here. Especially last week's episode, which was perhaps the scariest one of the season.


Say what you will, I liked the cliffhanger
Swiss cheese plot, six or seven extraneous hours of red herrings, whatever. When I isolate the cliffhanger itself from everything else, I liked the twist at the end with Holder. Not so much the one with Belko, but thumbs up to the Holder surprise.

That's a shame. But I'm pretty sure Bennet is not "a fucking terrorist." In fact, it's quite possible that Bennet is an anti-terrorist. Whether I'm right or wrong, maybe you should look a little deeper than "a cheap plot twist." But I guess you can't see the forest for the trees.