Watching the Detectives

@Blueberry Head: "And emailing sensitive files to an unsecured home computer? Dumb dumb dumb. I like the Linden character, but I really hope the show demonstrates a little self awareness here and FIRES HER FOR THIS."

Yeah. Absolutely ridiculous to mention The Killing in the same breath with the legendary Breaking Bad. The Killing has NO dialogue, cinematography, character development or genuine tension compared to the legendary Breaking Bad. That the two shows would EVER be mentioned in the same breath is absolutely ridiculous and

Ugh. Lemme tell ya, when a regular, ordinary, good kid who is average, homely and has no secrets is murdered at random, nobody outside of the kid's family is going to care. What, I'm supposed to be heartbroken every other day because Suzie Sweetheart with the lazy eye and Miley Cyrus girl-crush got whacked? C'mon man.

I agree with dygitalninja. This show is not fucking "The Lovely Bones" okay? The story is about the aftermath of Rosie's death and how it affects all the characters who become involved in her murder investigation.

When I attribute Rosie's murder to any individual, I'm thinking of accountability, not who did the physical act of killing her. Like with the dad, he could have hired someone to kill Rosie, which as we have recently learned, would have been easy for him to do given his past connections with organized crime.

I guess it might sound smart to agree with you, but nothing in the episode struck me as really poorly written. If I were a person of faith and my child was senselessly murdered, I imagine I might easily ask "where the hell was God" no matter how cliched it was.

I can't deny I am also annoyed by the typos. Even though I just made one in a previous comment. We're all human, but I don't get paid for making comments, so I can be excused.

Well, at least now I know it wasn't the father
Up until this point, I couldn't be absolutely sure it wasn't daddy who killed his daughter because of the shame Rosie might bring upon his family (potentially because he was fucking her himself and thought the secret was about to come out). After all, virtually all the

Why the hell does Seattle need a stadium when they already have Qwest Field, which is less than a decade old, has tons of luxury suites, and is generally considered to provide the Seahawks with best home field advantage in the NFL? The show's writers obviously are not big sports fans nor did they do enough research

I'm okay with the rape video
Meredith, your reference to the concept from This American Life that "no one would hold a Rape Mystery Party" was very adept and thought provoking (especially since I have not seen that episode). I know women who have been raped, and for one in particular the aftermath was exceptionally

All right, Kenny, I can't just let that just go by without putting out a wee bit of evidence that Rizzoli & Isles has a very strong track record. From a balanced review on adage.com that did not provide a critical endorsement: "Even so, the ratings are impressive for a scripted summer series. "Rizzoli & Isles" has

Some of my perspective was aptly expressed by haysoos's last paragraph up there. I said last week that I strongly disagreed with Adam and Kristina's decision from two weeks ago and the consequences of that decision were evident in this episode.

Highly Encouraging Evolution of AV Club
Yes, adding White Collar was a terrific move, and hearing that you'd like to add some more USA/TNT type programming is great news. I agree with others suggesting Leverage; a fun show with lots of plot twists that might get a little formulaic at times, but there is such great

Well, they send out false telegraphs, too, as many thought Crosby was going to cheat on Jasmine by doing Gaby, but that never happened. That's the thing; the show sends out plenty of telegraphs and some are followed as expected and others skew off track and go someplace unexpected. That makes the show eminently

He can't leave Dick Whitman behind and move on. He can't just live in the present and "be Don Draper." Dick Whitman is way too big a secret to hide from any of his wives. If he hides it from Megan, he is taking a huge risk of ruining what he believes is an ideal second marriage. Because the Dick Whitman secret is too

18 OCT. 2010 | 7:41 AM CDT
"And that makes the writers cowards. Truth hurts. Bye."

Brilliantly summarized, Castro. And I couldn't agree more about the milkshake spill. It was at that precise moment that Don realized that Megan was just the woman he'd been looking for all along… and the right woman to marry.

There can be no doubt that Don and Megan is no doubt the romance of the century, you whiny bastards! Good God, haven't you never seen a truly deep and meaningful relationship not slowly blossom? These two people, my God, they are like two people who are like soulmates, these crazy two people lovers! They will

Betty Supporter Supporters Group Meeting
We will meet at 9:30 a.m. each morning for coffee and then divide up into small group discussion panels. This week's discussion topics include rat poison management, daughter flagellation 101, and ex-husband loin control.

Four-leaf Clover Me
That was one damn helluva fine finale.