Watching the Detectives

@ your momma; argh, I'm wincing trying to wrap my brain around how what Trudy did and what Betty did "on behalf of Sally" were the same thing. Can you spell this out for me? I must have missed what Betty did that was mature and sensible yet demonstrative and powerful. Trudy was usurping power from someone who

That wouldn't surprise me, either, Abby. I imagine internal spies are a standard protocol for Kale when certain red flags are raised. You know he had to be monitoring David somehow (Kale was not surprised at David's death).

Trudy was Peggy on 'roids. Pro.

CaseyO, you're not alone in your opinion about Maggie, as others here have also expressed their dislike of the character. But I don't agree with these critics, either.

Actually, I was afraid Glen WOULD stick up for Sally and start yelling sharp and witty criticisms at Betty when she showed up. If that had happened, it would have supported the false accusation Betty later made about Glen being a bad influence and a bad kid. Instead, since Glen didn't fly off the handle, Sally was

Well, that WAS a pretty good excuse to avoid seeing Andie at that very particular time. But my point alludes to what others have pointed out in recent weeks: "Man, Will is really an asshole!" I think if Will was just a little more afraid of women, he might act less like an asshole around them.

The scene with Betty yelling at Sally after dragging her home from her clandestine rendezvous with Glen was exquisitely played by both Shipka and January Jones. Betty making unfounded accusations and leaping to conclusions while Sally calmly refutes each of her misconceptions. That little girl is actually blossoming

Why do terrorists become terrorists?
Grant: "I think it's because they're afraid of women."

Pete: "Yeah, Don saved the company…now let's go get rid of half of it."
Great line from Pete. That is, the pre-saved-$50,000-thanks-to-Don Pete. Of all the people who didn't seem to catch on to the potential positive impact of Don's letter in the NY Times, I was most surprised that Pete failed to at least acknowledge

27 SEPT. 2010 | 9:55 AM CDT
"Why couldn't we get something like a shot of Toni waiting at the restaurant for a Lane that never comes?"

I would say that male chauvinism ran slightly less rampant in the '60s counterculture than it did in the general population. Which is to say it was still quite common… but feminism was also a stronger characteristic of the counterculture than the general population, and its proponents (including some men) were not the

First page I skimmed after a brief Google search had this fact from the Center for Disease Control:

I'm not sure that Sally will actually derive any benefit from additional discipline. It would be different if she had functional parents with their priorities in the right order, but she doesn't. The discipline she already receives from her imperfect parents is often misguided and sometimes abusive. After surviving

I think Jim Goad is the King of defending redneck culture. God help the ex-convict bastard….

I hope Joan remembers the elevator exchange when Peggy fires her two years from now.