the management 1

Zardoz remake?
Yawn. Wake me when they announce the Zardoz remake. Or at least Exorcist II: The Heretic.

Who in the fuck
is Eric Schaeffer??

"Disgust factor"? The last few pages of Blackest Night were hilarious, thrilling, and 100% fun. Who the fuck let their mom write their review?

So bad it's amazing?
Nathan, this is one of those reviews that makes me WANT to see the terrible movie. Sharon Stone failing at a southern accent? Funny? Any so-bad-it's-good potential here?

Y- The Last Man would make a fantastic series. Too bad it's still rumored to be a film trilogy starring Shia LeButtfuck.

Preacher is definitely dead at HBO. UnFUCKINGfortunately.

It could be the 'Traffic' (the good one, about drugs) of zombie movies.

I stand firmly behind Tobe Hooper's 'Salem's Lot miniseries.

Copy Editor's Quibble
It's "a hair's breadth," not "a hair's breath."

So…anyone else have to look up "afikoman"? No? Sad part is that half of my family is Jewish. What a schmuck.

Strange Days had such an interesting concept (especially at the time) and Ralph Fiennes was great, but the overlong POV rape scenes really killed it for me.

I Saw THE MARINE on a Plane
I have been more stupider ever since.

I am reading fucking constantly (and I work as an editor), but if you take periodicals and comics/graphic novels out of the equation, I only read like three books last year. Jesus, that is downright chilling. I need to read me some darn books!

Steve Hyden, if I ever meet you…
…I'm gonna give you such a big hug. Terrific answer, my friend.

Tan could be decent, but anyone who follows Quitely suffers so much from the comparison. Trying to get through the New X-Men collections is maddening, with little Quitely teases peppered in among completely shite art.

SILENT INTERLUDE! 100% as brilliant today as it was then. A dialogue-free kids' comic from Marvel in the 1980s? Nothing short of groundbreaking.

MoMA is screening Ridley Scott's Blade Runner: The Final Version on August 19 and 21.

Although he didn't direct it, The Nightmare Before Christmas will, in fact, be part of the exhibition.

Wait, wait, back the shit up.

I managed to avoid Angels & Demons after reading The Da Vinci Code and having my IQ drop by 40 points. Every fucking chapter ended with th dude being held at gunpoint. Insulting even by beach-reading standards.