Eliminator Jr.

I'm not sure about all this Neo-Nazi business, but I figured out a few years ago that Back to the Future is basically a super long commercial for Miller High Life. Just count the times that either the logo appears onscreen, or the characters are shown drinking it. You'll be shocked.

My junior year of High School we did Grease as our spring musical (I played Eugene). I can tell you with utmost certainty that the stage show is much, much, much dirtier than the movie.

First off, as far as Toht goes, no one can be that crafty with a coat hanger and not be at least a bit Asian ("Ancient Chinese Secret!")

Can't you hear me yell-aaaaa?!
You're putting me through hell-aaaaa!

Space Jam
Me and some friends watched my old VHS copy of Space Jam the other weekend, and I gotta say, a lot of that movie totally flew over my head when I was a kid. There are references to like, Patton? Pulp Fiction? Doing weird things inside of raincoats? It really left me wondering like, who the fuck was that

I've talked about this on other threads before, but I was really into the Indiana Jones movies when I was a little kid, and the Nazis especially fascinated me. I think it took me drawing a bunch of swastika flags (for more realistic film reenactments, obviously!) for my mom to flip out and tell me that the Nazis were

The movie ends with a giant pull-back through someone's eyeball who is revealed to be Harry Knowles and he's furiously masturbating. SUCKER PUUUUUUUNCH!

She definitely has a tendency to set off a series of unfortunate events in my boxer shorts.

An elephant who never forgets…TO KILL!!!!

When I read the book, this is how I saw a movie being cast (apart from the roles that have already been cast)…

Through our collective willpower, we've already managed to somehow remove Perfect Couples from existence, as if it never happened! Viva la NBC Thursday Night Shows That Don't Suck!

Watching the first season or two of Seinfeld, having grown up watching only reruns from the glory days, is like going into a room in your house where the furniture has always been arranged one way, but then one day the couch is in a completely different part of the room. You're just like "…the fuck is this?!?!" It's

Jer-ry's FAULT! Jer-ry's FAULT! Jer-ry's FAULT! Jer-ry's FAULT!

Gaaaah, it's always quarter to three down at ol' Lobsters' place!
*cheesy trombone stinger*

I think they just told him that it was a sequel to Zardoz, and he stopped asking questions after that.

I heard
That Tim Lieder watched this movie thinking that it was going to be a comprehensive history of Scotland. Boy oh boy was he disappointed!

I bought it on the electronic bay!

*cheesy trombone stinger*

When I think of Demme as a director, I think of long close-ups of people's faces looking and talking directly into the camera.

I was involved with my high school's Drama Club (I know, I know…), and we got to go on some pretty awesome trips to Broadway shows. The zenith was seeing Spamalot like, right after it had opened, with all of the original cast, and afterwards a few of them came out and talked to us (not including Tim Curry,