Eliminator Jr.

I sure hope some square adults accidentally ingest some weed brownies! That would be both unpredictable AND hilarious!

Oh good call, madbeatnk. Linklater's films (at least his early ones) are great to watch high. Especially Dazed and Confused, which counts as audience participation, if you think about it.


I honestly hope the book is 200 pages of the same photo of Ron's reaction to Lil' Sebastian. I'd pay $15.99 for that.

Family Matters remake of L'Avventura

If only the "lamestream media" would stop shrugging off Soulja Boy Tell 'Em.com's plight with an indifferent "YAAAAA TRICK YAAAAAA!"…

That was the season after Hawaii, right? I had a crush on that Mormon chick.

Pineapple Express. The first time I saw it I was sober, and thought that it was really disappointing. I saw it again years later when I was severely baked, and I thought that it was the funniest movie that I have ever seen. Not only is it the most realistic portrayal of what being a stoner is actually like, I feel

For my money, Hecker is the best ambient artist working today. His pieces take on so many shapes and colors, as someone else said below, there's something very human about them. They feel like breathing, living organisms, as opposed to just some droney guitar/synth stuff that passes for ambient these days. This is

1.) A guy you've never heard of, he's pretty obscure.
2.) To inconvenience you.

I walked past him once when he was shooting a movie in Philly, and he gave me this really mean death glare for no reason. I didn't even say anything to him. So I can definitely see him playing an asshole.

Yeah reading this article made me realize that all of my Styx-related memories are really Freaks and Geeks-related memories in disguise. Except for Mr. Roboto, which makes me think of that car commercial with Tony Hale before he was Buster Bluth.

Yeah, yeah, but what about the baby eating? Will we get to see some baby eating?

The Boo Box!


When they took him up in their spaceship, the aliens…abused him. Sexually.

Watching? He's FILMING!

I'm a gangsta, Miss Katie, and gangstas don't ask questions.

This is my favorite Will Oldham interview. It's worth it to go to the website and watch the rest of it, where he talks about such subjects as Death, Madonna, and Dolphin Rape. (also, just for the record, if you're unfamiliar with Ian Svenonius, he is acting like that on purpose, it's his "schtick")

(says the unemployed aspiring writer)