Eliminator Jr.


I've read many times that Harry Shearer is a an insufferable jerk as well. I guess McKean is the only one of those guys you would ever want to have a beer with?

I Reluctantly Attend Your One Man Show


I feel as though he and Conan have a special reparte going at this point, where Ford almost becomes a parody of himself when he's on Conan's show and Conan plays along by stoking those flames as often as he can. I remember one particular interview from the Late Night days when he got Ford to do his "intense action

Okay, yeah that's pretty funny.

Yeah, honestly, I have no idea why this movie is inspiring so much rage in so many commenters on this site. I saw it tonight, and I by and large agree with Nathan's review. It's nowhere near as good as Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz, and it definitely gets clunky at times (especially dialogue-wise), but I mean, c'mon,

Well, on the Evening With Kevin Smith DVD, Smith said that he made Chasing Amy in part because his older brother, who is gay, had complained to him once that watching movies often bummed him out because there were no gay characters that he could identify with. So, on that note, Chasing Amy is one of the most puzzling

Chasing Amy is like a pro-gay film made by a person who has never seen or met a gay person in their entire lives. And Dogma is just a shitty movie, plain and simple. If it was made by anyone other than Kevin Smith, it may have been tolerable. But just bad writing, bad acting, badly shot. Worthless.

Geddy, I have Live at Massey Hall already. You're right, it's amazing. Maybe I'll take a chance on Neil yet. I tend to trust Sam's opinion on these types of things.

I too somehow missed that part of Miko's comment, and that is just flat-out a false statement. Some true Palin Boehner shit.

For what it's worth, Anthem of the Sun is one of my favorite psychedelic albums of all time. I actually kind of prefer the Dark Star bullshit noodling to the folksy stuff most of the time. If you manage to find just the right bootleg, that shit can be transcendental.

ElDan, I get really claustrophobic really easily too, so small venues can often be a nightmare for me (don't even get me started on subways). I recently decided that I'm done with really small basement venues for pretty much just that reason (also because the shows always start way too late and you can almost never

Yeah, I was coming more from the standpoint of my own personal taste than anything else. "The Ring" probably wouldn't work if it had any semblance of humor, I totally agree. I guess I'm on this point because I watched this random horror movie called "Grace" that was on Netflix instant one night because I was bored and

"HAM!" got the biggest laugh from me, for sure.

As a Grateful Dead fan who hates Deadheads, I understand where you guys are coming from. I often find myself wishing the band had broken up and faded into obscurity after American Beauty. They would be one of those great secrets that you find hidden away in the dollar bin at a used record store, not this faux-hippie

I totally agree, Doc Brown. What's missing from modern horror is the element of giddiness and fun that you see in the old low-budget gorefests of yore. Watching those movies, you can tell that the filmmakers felt like little kids who were getting away with something naughty, and as a viewer, you tend to feel

Ya Heard!

"Jerry's FAULT! Jerry's FAULT! Jerry's FAULT!"

I like when they put some cracks in April's armor of sarcasm and meanness and show she actually has feelings. Her and Andy making up on the ferris wheel was really cute, I must admit.