Eliminator Jr.

Neil Young Live
He's my favorite musician of all time, and he's still active, so it would seem like a no-brainer to plop down a few bucks to see him live. But I feel like I'll inevitably go away disappointed. A friend of mine got a ticket for one of his shows a few years ago, under the pretense that it was going to be

How is that art? Don't answer that.

When this baby has a failed firstie and gets canceraids, you're gonna see some serious shit!

Archer, why would he want to crip on my floor?!

Studios just do not know how to advertise these guys' movies at all. I remember seeing previews and commercials for SOTD before it came out, and thinking "jesus, this looks fucking moronic". It's a testament to how talented and hilarious they are that they manage to get audiences for any of their films at all,

I love the one about their Infinite Playlist!

Didn't he also play David the Prick in Shaun of the Dead?

I second the rum and coke suggestion, and also recommend trying a white russian. If you make it right (I tend to go two shots vodka, two shots kahlua, and two shots milk/cream), it's like drinking a milkshake, if milkshakes could get ya blotto.

I don't understand it…that was non-alcoholic champaign!

Looks like DPA was reeeeeeally into this past week's Inventory, huh?

Jorge, that should go without saying.

Man, my parents were/are super into all that 70's California folk rock shit. I could never tolerate any of it until recently, when I decided to give Jackson Browne a chance. Dude wrote some good songs. The rest of it can sink to the bottom of the Pacific forever, as far as I'm concerned.

The only music video I remember from when I was young is the one for "Don't Come Around Here No More" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. It scared the shit out of me, especially the part where the girl turns into a human cake and the band cut her into slices and eat her.

Man, I was a weird kid.
The first music I remember truly liking was my parents' Beach Boys and Stevie Ray Vaughn records when I was like, 5 or 6. Then I kind of stopped listening to music because I was too busy reading about stuff like the history of NASA and Robert Ballard and watching Nickelodeon. But then I really


Fuck all that noise, I'm Generation Snick!

Bishonen, she played a blind millionaire, not a blind psychic. She claimed to have had some sort of affair with Mr. Tasty, whom she called "Leonard". Yes, this was a kid's show.

As far as I'm concerned, you cannot have a discussion about Salute Your Shorts without mentioning ZEKE THE PLUMBER. Raise your hand if that episode still gives you nightmares sometimes (raises hand).

Someone should make a movie about two home-invading yuppies who torture and eventually kill a family all while holding the audience accountable for their actions and call it Daddy Day Care.

You know, all these recent "raunchy" movies that have come out in the past few years hardly ever feature any actual sex. The characters almost always wuss out for moral reasons right before they're about to go for it. I really hope this one really treats sex as the frivolity it was in the 80's, and she just blows and