Eliminator Jr.

I constantly get the sensation of falling when i'm about to drift off to sleep, and it always manages to give me a decent scare. Really kinda regretting reading this right now.


I remember one time looking at SomethingAwful with some friends when we were like 13 or 14, and this picture of a parrot perched on some dude's boner popped up just as my friend's mom walked in the room and we all got in trouble. Simpler times, I tell ya.

Stop The Presses: MTT finds a way to connect yet another story that has nothing to do with the weird pervy anime shit they like to the weird pervy anime shit they like.

Pop-Pop Bart and Grandma Sissy represent!

It was also awesome because in real life, she and Lutz are married.

Oh my God, I killed Wilson! Guess it's back to jail for me! Urh Urh Urh Urh!

It would be Jungle 2 Jungle 2 Jungle 2 Jungle 2 Jungle 2 Jungle 2 Jungle 2

wolfman, you bring up some interesting points. I never listened to Whitehouse to feel fucked up and powerless, I actually blasted it (especially Bird Seed) when I wanted to feel empowered. I don't know what that says about me as a person, but whatever. I didn't know Sotos did those cut-ups you speak of; I thought that

Or really power violence in general. The use of Nazi imagery and references in some sections of the Noise community tends to make me uncomfortable, and of course no one is/was better at this than Whitehouse. Sometimes I just wanna be pulverized by feedback, but I feel guilty, almost as if the artist is

One time I saw a black kid wearing a Burzum shirt. I got very uncomfortable imagining how Varg would feel about that. And as much as I hate to admit it, yeah, Filosofem is an amazing record. But as far as the first wave of black metal goes, mostly I just stick to Darkthrone these days.

Yeah, I definitely don't listen to Swans for the lyrics. I listen to Swans for when I want to bang my head very ver slowly.

Yeah that's a shame, I really hope the allegations turn out to be false. That band was really going places.

Also, I still say "Passengers will refrain from KILLING MY SOUL!!!" all the time.

Girard, I'm glad you bring up Bus Driver Stu Benedict, because on a show full of so many of the types of fascinating characters you would normally never see on a kid's show, he was possibly the most interesting. I love that scene with him beating up the scarecrow that you mentioned, it's so subtle and effective. He

@Don't Like Granola: YES! Regular Show is amazing! It's easy to understand why Adventure Time tends to get all the discussion and whatnot, but Regular Show is really, really funny and deserves a much bigger audience.

Well, someone certainly needs to tell Lea Michelle to eat a dick quicker than Mexicans sprint over borders, so…

No, I think Fallon was genuinely freaked out. Just check the glazed-over look on his face once the lights come up, you can tell he genuinely had no idea what just happened.

Agreed with Trakball, anyone who dismisses Das Racist based on their internet hype without listening to "Sit Down, Man" has no idea what they're talking about.

I was gonna say Bob from Sesame Street, but yeah Higgins works too. Hi, Noel!