Rob Davies

If people don't want to associated with her company because of the whole terrorism thing, I don't get why shipping is the problem she's focused on. She should be out there, photo-opping. Giving cute little orphans their own fighter planes. Re-branding with him or wholesaling would make a lot of sense, though.

They had little jet-skis in the first series. Snowmobiles and Wright-era planes are almost a step backwards.

The one big bending vs. bending set piece they had (Korra vs. Tarrlok) DID have that creativity. So did some of the earlier fights. The fight in the third episode where Korra fights an equalist (who has a wrench) with a cloth and steam pipe is pretty Jackie Chan.

-There WERE inventive fights in Korra, though. Korra vs Tarrlok was as good as anything in TLA. And there were good moments with the car and the robots. The Lieutenant and most of the Equalists were a wash, though, and you've nailed why: they either won or lost with one hit. The tension there isn't in the fighting

I'd love if they slowed it down, but so far TLoK hasn't done well with the filler/breather episodes. "Rebel Spirit" was slow, but that just made it feel more sparse.

Distributing to who, then?

If she doesn't know something, she admits it. But if she knows a leeeetle bit, she thinks she's got it all figured out.

I still think they could've written a little humility into her, or at least shown that her current cockiness is a façade.

I'm fine with conflicting brothers. If they have an evil dad in the attic, then I'll be disappointed.

I thought it was the opposite. Aang was competing against people who had been through 100 years of war. They knew what they were about. Most bending in Korra seems to be gang violence or utility related.

Amon has a lot more dimension than Ozai. He might have had more than Azula if we had more time to break him down. Azula got to fall apart over three or four episodes and Amon only had a couple minutes to be unmasked. Either way, I imagine their bad-guy-writing would improve a lot if they came up with better motives

@avclub-c15dfaf8b43d970a74db1883f482e7a6:disqus : The back half of Korra was fine. It was the back 5/10 minutes that was the problem.

The big problem with Korra, the character, is that they just DID a big civil war story that should have taught her humility and what-not. This season could have been about what she does differently after what she went through in season one.
Instead they hit the re-set.  I get that the were backed into a corner there,

You know you're in Canada when you see $20 in the lost-and-found.

I'm guessing that the Air Temple trip is going to eventually establish that Tenzin's older siblings pick on him because they are disappointed about not being airbenders themselves (at least a little bit). Plot-wise I have no idea.

I'm actually a little nervous about this series going Princess Mononoke, because I have no idea how they could match it with the current set-up.

It would be absolutely unreal if the Equalists were really beaten, since they didn't even go full Star Wars on it. I don't think anyone even knows Amon and Tarrlok are dead. The rank-and-file citizens certainly don't. They just found out the violent anti-bender terrorists were being manipulated by a bender… and

@disqus_04Be0b09yA:disqus : It's not whether or not we think evil is genetic or "in the blood", it's whether or not Zuko does. And he clearly did.
As far as the reveal goes though, Zuko had already learned that he was also the grandson of the other avatar, which seemed like just as big a cop-out to me. The point of his

Are you sure you don't mean "faffed about"?

"Take my baby away into the woods and leave her there to perish!"