Caps Lock

The Wolfman Cometh

Dental Hygiene Dilemma is like long lost episode of Xavier Renegade Angel.

Try Don Caballero, Slint, U.S. Maple, By The End of Tonight  and Dysrhythmia. I'm also going to suggest Daughters and Yowie, a couple of my favorites, but these two really take their music to some absurdly dissonant places, so you're mileage may vary.

They really should have been fined for showing Fire Walk With Me a few weeks ago.

Good American band on an experimental bent, it's catchy and you really aren't sure where it's going next. Their last album got solid reviews, but never really saw any press above ground. So, listen and consider joining my cult.

"The website at www.mansinthe.com contains elements from the site, which appears to host malware - software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer."

And Real Gone.

David Bowie
Heathen is one of the best things he has ever done. Atmospheric, well sequenced and it includes the wrenching 5:15.

Fuck yes

That reminds me of what they've been saying about their new album He's Never Coming Back: "It's an obvious reference to John Stockton". And yeah, John towers over everyone and makes the band seem that much more intimidating live.

I like it when my ears bleed
Botch - We are the Romans, a brutal album that has been imitated by dozens of lesser metalcore bands. Coalesce's Ox. The Room Clearing Album of the Decade Award should go to Daughters - Hell Songs. Schizophrenic, atonal riffs, held down with tight drumming and and crooned vocals.

The Ninth Configuration
Anyone else seen this?

Fennesz - Endless Summer
Incredible album. Autechre's Draft 7.30, Xanopticon's The Silver Key and John Wiese's Soft Punk are all pretty damn good, too.

For fans of Irreversible and Pretty Woman.


The Center of the World
Not the light jack-off material I was looking for.

Pusher 3