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    Nah, David asked the above "is that the Flaming Lips" line.

    Awww shit…

    M-60. That's his tiger.

    More actual lines:

    More actual lines:

    The Flaming Lips, Beverly Hills 90210

    The Flaming Lips, Beverly Hills 90210





    Oh… Well, he USED to live in Baltimore… right?

    Oh… Well, he USED to live in Baltimore… right?

    Whay are you yalking abouy?

    Whay are you yalking abouy?

    …who should probably be playing in Baltimore…

    …who should probably be playing in Baltimore…

    That samurai doesn't have the guts anymore, either.

    That samurai doesn't have the guts anymore, either.

    You can go on their carpet, apparently.