The Immortal Mr Teas

You're ANNOINTED ONE muslim dictater Barack OBAMMY did cocaine & ate dogs!!!!!  He want's to fundimentilly transform america…into his SOCIALILST UTOPEA!!!!!  VOTE ROMNEY '12!!!!!   WE WANT OUR CUONTRY BACK!!!!!!

You're ANNOINTED ONE muslim dictater Barack OBAMMY did cocaine & ate dogs!!!!!  He want's to fundimentilly transform america…into his SOCIALILST UTOPEA!!!!!  VOTE ROMNEY '12!!!!!   WE WANT OUR CUONTRY BACK!!!!!!

Hey LIBTARD"S!!!!  You're HOLLYWEIRD leftists agenda is at it agian!!!!  Sesame Street INDOCTRANATE"S youth into OBUMMER"S socaililst/H0M0SEXUAL agenda!!!!  Us TEA PARTIER"S  will boycott this GARBAGE, just like we'll do to you're commie dictater ADOLF HUSSIEN OBOZO in november!!!!!  ROMNEY '12!!!!!!!

Hey LIBTARD"S!!!!  You're HOLLYWEIRD leftists agenda is at it agian!!!!  Sesame Street INDOCTRANATE"S youth into OBUMMER"S socaililst/H0M0SEXUAL agenda!!!!  Us TEA PARTIER"S  will boycott this GARBAGE, just like we'll do to you're commie dictater ADOLF HUSSIEN OBOZO in november!!!!!  ROMNEY '12!!!!!!!

Dr. Funkenstein.  Yep, he's an actual MD in the San Diego area.  Psychiatry, I believe.

Dr. Funkenstein.  Yep, he's an actual MD in the San Diego area.  Psychiatry, I believe.

The yellow dude looks like a player for the San Diego Padres back in the '70s.

The yellow dude looks like a player for the San Diego Padres back in the '70s.

It looks more like The Outlaw of Gor.  It just needs the platinum-blond midget.

It looks more like The Outlaw of Gor.  It just needs the platinum-blond midget.

You LIBTARD"S are just jealus of BRISTOL"S sucess!!!!!!  SARAH PALIN will be you're next VISE PRESIDENT once us TEA PARTIER"S vote out your BIG-EARED FORIEGN-BORN dictater Barack HUSSIEN Obozo!!!!!!

You LIBTARD"S are just jealus of BRISTOL"S sucess!!!!!!  SARAH PALIN will be you're next VISE PRESIDENT once us TEA PARTIER"S vote out your BIG-EARED FORIEGN-BORN dictater Barack HUSSIEN Obozo!!!!!!

I have dibs on "Rancid-Tasting Dickcheese".

I have dibs on "Rancid-Tasting Dickcheese".

For my money, it doesn't get any better than Eastern-Europeans doing grindcore horror lyrics.  Thank you, Pungent Stench:

For my money, it doesn't get any better than Eastern-Europeans doing grindcore horror lyrics.  Thank you, Pungent Stench:

Haha LIBTARD"S!!!!  America is rejecting you"re LIBERAL hollywierd GARBAGE!!!!  Just like we"ll reject you"re kenyan born muslem god barack HUSSIEN obummer in the vote!!!!  ROMNEY '12!!!!!

Haha LIBTARD"S!!!!  America is rejecting you"re LIBERAL hollywierd GARBAGE!!!!  Just like we"ll reject you"re kenyan born muslem god barack HUSSIEN obummer in the vote!!!!  ROMNEY '12!!!!!

The only reasin the LIBTARD"S at HBO (AKA Home of Barack OBOZO!!!!) pulled it is becauze CONSERVITIVE"S and TEA PARTIER"S threataned to cancel them & their LIBERAL agenda!!!!!  This NOV. we'll do the same thing to ADOLF OBAMA!!!!  ROMNEY "12!!!!!!!!
(I tried this bit on the Glen Beck website, but it was like trying to

The only reasin the LIBTARD"S at HBO (AKA Home of Barack OBOZO!!!!) pulled it is becauze CONSERVITIVE"S and TEA PARTIER"S threataned to cancel them & their LIBERAL agenda!!!!!  This NOV. we'll do the same thing to ADOLF OBAMA!!!!  ROMNEY "12!!!!!!!!
(I tried this bit on the Glen Beck website, but it was like trying to