And dont forget CNN=CLINTON NEWS NTWERK!!!! These LIBTARDS alway's fall for the LAMESTREAM medias LIES!!!! You're FOODSTAMP Kenyan president OBUMMER is going DOWN in nov.!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!! WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!
And dont forget CNN=CLINTON NEWS NTWERK!!!! These LIBTARDS alway's fall for the LAMESTREAM medias LIES!!!! You're FOODSTAMP Kenyan president OBUMMER is going DOWN in nov.!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!! WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!
And dont forget CNN=CLINTON NEWS NTWERK!!!! These LIBTARDS alway's fall for the LAMESTREAM medias LIES!!!! You're FOODSTAMP Kenyan president OBUMMER is going DOWN in nov.!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!! WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!
Go light you're candle to you're alter to OBUMMER!!!! You LIBTARDS think hes the Annointed 1 after all!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!
Go light you're candle to you're alter to OBUMMER!!!! You LIBTARDS think hes the Annointed 1 after all!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!
You LIBTARD'S are a bunch of HIPPCRITES!!!! When The NUGE say's anything about OBOZO you whine to the Secret service!!! These guy's need to be ARESTED for htreatening W's life!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!!
You LIBTARD'S are a bunch of HIPPCRITES!!!! When The NUGE say's anything about OBOZO you whine to the Secret service!!! These guy's need to be ARESTED for htreatening W's life!!!! ROMNEY '12!!!!!
Journalistic equivalent of stomping on a puppy. HELLAFAIL!!!!
Journalistic equivalent of stomping on a puppy. HELLAFAIL!!!!
He's a douche-nozzle with ears.
He's a douche-nozzle with ears.
This is why we had to save their asses in WW2. Limeys.
This is why we had to save their asses in WW2. Limeys.
Stupid Google translate. Tasha you so pretty! You're being mine wife now yes!
Stupid Google translate. Tasha you so pretty! You're being mine wife now yes!
He does have some jaw-droppingly bad movies, but Female Vampire and Vampyros Lesbos are actually very entertaining, and between all the torture, lesbianism, and nudity, "Women in Cellblock 9" does not have a single dull moment. And between Lina Romay and Soledad Miranda, the guy knows how cast tail.
He does have some jaw-droppingly bad movies, but Female Vampire and Vampyros Lesbos are actually very entertaining, and between all the torture, lesbianism, and nudity, "Women in Cellblock 9" does not have a single dull moment. And between Lina Romay and Soledad Miranda, the guy knows how cast tail.
Hey, don't put this on all of California; this video is pure LA crap. We don't abide this nonsense in San Diego.
Hey, don't put this on all of California; this video is pure LA crap. We don't abide this nonsense in San Diego.
I concur. I will send my best wishes to Ms. Lohan by jerking off to Mean Girls.
I concur. I will send my best wishes to Ms. Lohan by jerking off to Mean Girls.