George Zimmerman's agent was unavailable for contact.
George Zimmerman's agent was unavailable for contact.
I like Vox, personally, but the Ampeg V4's are heavy-fucking-duty as far as guitar amps. Those things sound they're shitting out a dump truck when cranked.
Blue Murder/Blue Murder/Blue Murder.
John Sykes rules.
How's about "American Funeral"? That would be a goldmine of gross-out necrophilia gags.
"No, it's one of those acronyms: 'Special Person Entering the World…Egg Yolk'."
Ha ha!!! I love wen these LIBTARDS derstroy eech other!!! SANTORUM '12!!!!!
"Wait a minute…you mean there are TWO severed hands? AAAAGGH!"
"Before you witness the jiggling tank-tops…" I may have to cough up the dough for the IMAX on this one. Any chance for 3-D?
You got a LOT to learn about sewage (as well as the food industry), Elrond.
That locks my vote for Romney.
Wait a minute, there aren't moles in candy bars!!! Mole droppings, maybe.
He also had his boyfriend's face surgically altered to make him look exactly like Liberace. That's messed up.
What the hell kind of Hispanic is named "Zimmerman"? Hombre must've gotten beat up all the time in high school…no wonder he acts like a big tough guy.
I was a Metallica fan back then, until all the jocks started blasting "Enter Sandman" from their pickups. Been a Slayer man ever since.
Oh, I'm still here. I am The IMMORTAL Mr Teas, after all. And REM sucks.
Yes. I'm something of a sociopath.
No shit. They should have to work at it like we did. If you want to have a great time, get the DVD re-issues of the pornos you sneaked from your parents. Jerking off to them without worrying about your parents walking in is fucking awesome.
It's more like the date scene in "The Squid & The Whale". Hey Ms. Adequate, wanna go to a midnight showing of "Irreversible"?
Now, Neil Young getting sued by Geffen for not sounding enough like Neil Young? That's fucking badass. The Who causing a stampede that killed 11 people? Pretty badass. REM being jammed on by millions of stoned PoliSci majors? Not really badass at all…it's actually not even worthy of "…ass".
@avclub-9f1f64b519d20e2ccc36e1589a8f7555:disqus Yes, I sure do. It's irony for irony's sake, which is actually very easy to pull off. Just ask the guys in Alien Ant Farm.