The Immortal Mr Teas

The 1959 adaptation of Faulkner's "The Sound and The Fury".  Faulkner at his drunkest & most infuriating/entertaining, but how do you put that shit on film?

He's no Ike Turner either.  Rihanna's jaw would've been wired shut if she'd been with Ike that night.

Sounds like somebody hasn't listened to Live at Leeds in a while!  Get off my lawn, damn kids!

First the AC/DC bassist writes a book, now this guy writes a book.  Hey, I once opened for the Von Bondies…maybe I should write a book?

I'll still take my Sennheisers.  Those things will cave your fucking skull in with a vinyl copy of The Who's Live at Leeds.

I always like to think about the people who do the backup vocals on stuff like "Do The Urkel".  Here's some accomplished singers, probably talented folks working their asses off in the LA music scene, all of a sudden landing the gig of their lifetimes, which consists of singing "Doooo the Urkel, YEEEAH!!!".

I unknowingly ate a whole pack of it as a kid.  I thought I was going to shit out my spleen.

Where's the love for Coover?  "The Babysitter" was a decent adaptation of his amazing short story, The Babysitter.  "Dude..you tilted her!"

I remember Britain offered every citizen of The Falklands the equivalent of a million dollars to relinquish their citizenship in favor of British Subjectry.  Nobody bit, and I can't say I blame them; that's a slippery slope to prima nocta.

Judge?  Shit, I'm going to start hanging out at Hot Topic now.

Queensryche's Empire album.  Operation: Mindcrime  was one of the greatest albums ever made; "Silent Lucidity" was senior prom fodder (trust me, I know this from experience).  The fact that they later released a Mindcrime 2: Electric Boogaloo  album was another kick to the balls.

I'm sure you have already, but if not, get the live album they released in the late-80s/early90s.  It sounds like there are about twelve people in the audience, and it has an extended Kevin Heybourne guitar solo that hits every 80s extended guitar solo cliche ever invented.  Angelwitch still rules.

Sweet.  The holy grail of my teens was the Witchfinder General's "Death Penalty".  I eventually found it (on CLEAR VINYL!!!), and at one point I was close to getting cover model Joanne Latham to sign it.  Apparently she thought better of maintaining contact with a guy obsessed with a picture of her getting her throat

If my kindergarten music teacher taught me correctly, a farmer and his extended family & livestock live in her.

Hah!  I remember seeing "The Wrestler" and noticed a midgety-looking little freak taking tickets at one of the wrestling matches.  I spent WAY too much time trying to determine if it was an Eric cameo or not.

Nope, thought that one up completely on my own.  Think Mindy would let me bang her now?

"You wouldn't steal a car, WOULD YOU?"

The Asphalt Jungle.  That film noir is so badass, you'll grow chest hair watching it.

If they propped up Zevon & put a pair of sunglasses on him, Bernie-style, I'd still check it out.

I addressed this a few days back: "Four Sticks" by Led Zeppelin.   Plant is always awesome, but the bulk of the Zep catalog is driven by Page's bloated butt-rock & dull folk tunes.  Four Sticks fucking rules though.  Check out the live version they did in Copenhagen back in '71, before Plant blew out his vocal