Mustaine endorsed Perot back in '92, in what may/may not have been an inspired move. Any such inspiration these days would be a waste, for a variety of reasons.
Mustaine endorsed Perot back in '92, in what may/may not have been an inspired move. Any such inspiration these days would be a waste, for a variety of reasons.
Maybe I'm just being too academic here, but why the "+"?
What "buildings" are you talking about? Seriously, back in the late 90s when I lived in Portland Maine, The Smithereens actually promoted & played a show in someone's living room. In Portland, Maine. Given that "A Girl Like You" is a pretty good song, I can only assume they sold out the venue.
Steven Adler swings around every once in a while to play a club with his GNR tribute band. Duff once went to Czechoslovakia blackout drunk to play a show, and has absolutely no memory of it. Izzy took a piss in the aisle of a jetliner. Slash could rape my sister and I'd still buy him a beer. There's that one guy…
Folks got a little antsy about wearing turbans as well. The American flag-printed leather jacket industry soared, however.
Should've done a full LP. Album tracks are always best in the long run. Led Zeppelin's "Four Sticks" off Zep 4, for example. One of the coolest songs ever written, and I hate Led Zeppelin.
That "In The Zone" album was pretty darned good. I get that it was largely the product of songwriters & image consultants, but Britney had to have at least an inkling of an idea of what she was doing.
Working with autistic folks, nobody has made my job more difficult than Jenny McCarthy has. That 1993 PMOY shoot got me through many lonely nights though back in the day.
I couldn't finish reading. This piece is the journalistic equivalent of stomping on a puppy.
That's not how horses go about "playing", Jerry.
THIS is what all the Foxtards were bleating about yesterday? Man, I gotta get into journalism.
Andrew Jackson: Redskin Hunter. THAT is a movie I'd watch.
Cool. At this rate, Glenn Beck should be offering me discount handjobs for subscribing to his stupid internet channel.
I give me twenty, tops. In other news, water is wet.
I was lost at the third sentence. Can someone fill me in?
First Blood and Rocky were pretty fucking good movies. Frank Stallone ruled in Barfly. That's all I have to say on The Stallones.
My most awesome video game experience still involves attacking "House of The Dead" on the Sega Saturn with two guns, John Woo-style. The greatest things my wife brought to our marriage was a Sega Saturn, "House of The Dead", and two handgun controllers.
Wow. Did not expect to see this today.
As someone who use to work with MDOs in California, this shit happens a lot more often than you'd think. The normal course of events is that they escape, do something stupid, and go back to the state hospital. Just pray that the "something stupid" is standing on a freeway on-ramp with his pants around his ankles,…
Voight: Midnight Cowboy
Gould: The original E/R! sitcom.