Starfleet Dental

Everyone has their limits. I can do eyes just fine, but Grundchlk's finger episode was a purely auditory experience for me …

I feel like Different Destinations is so very Farscape in its tragedy. I actually don't think Aeryn or Jon are culpable for the awful ending, unless you count being forced to act in any way as culpability (if anything, it's Stark's fault!). But here we have Jon acting genre-savvy, thinking about how time travel works

Thanks! I plan on continuing to be naive/surprised, so long as I close @douayrheimschalloner:disqus's spoiler thread here. :)

From earlier comments, I was expected "Eat Me" to be more upsetting and disgusting than it was. I mean, the scene where the ship leaks pus onto Crichton was sold really well as crazy gross, but I am not someone who handles horror well and I still enjoyed it.

The twinning didn't seem too crazy for me. The issue of self has, like Alasdair mentioned, been raised with transporter tech in lots of other places, and I like how hardline a stance Farscape takes here (they ARE equivalent, and Chiana's and D'Argo's reactions to their own twinning are based on their emotional state

I am SO glad someone else caught that! I was thrilled when I saw it. Why not have a Toy Story reference?

I'm all caught up and now have random/vapid thoughts about the episodes before these two (you're welcome, internet!):
-@douayrheimschalloner:disqus, I'm totally with you that Pilot's crazed laugh when launching magnet girl is strangely out of character. Where did it come from?
-That "I have two hands" scene in the


Okay Farscape gang, I have a dilemma: I'm traveling this week, so I'm now even more behind than I was last week! To catch up, I'd have to watch 5 episodes next weekend when I get back - but I loooove slowly rationing out my farscapes! Is it worth binge-watching so I can join the discussion again?

I have good self-control! Also, watching unspoiled and then being able to discuss it with you all is such a great, it was worth restraining myself for. This has especially impeccable timing now that all the Trek reviews are dearly departed …

Nah, I'm all about the survival of Furlow. She's a bit realpolitik for my taste, but awesome just the same.


Argh, nooooo! I still haven't watched beyond the premiere of Season 3, but I guess I might have to consider watching it without the wonderful added insight of everyone here.

Truly, a person after my own heart. Who knew more than one person on earth liked stale candy corn?! Also, putting them in cookies may change my life.

@avclub-ff3315df974a82424353d399b7a68c07:disqus and @avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus I'm looking forward to the DS9 reviews returning too. I'm just a lurker there since Thursdays aren't the best for my internetting timing, but I may have to come out of the woodwork while withdrawing from the Farscape

If we are talking about the same scene in the premiere, I "watched" it with my hands covering the center of my monitor.

This definitely didn't read as off or contrived to me - Chiana copes with sex, and she has a lot to cope with! Not to mention that Jothee is as emotionally immature as she is; I could see them being drawn to each other.

Aah, but now that I've sated myself by watching the first episode of season 3, all I want to do is talk about it!! What will I do with myself until November without you guys to pick everything apart so expertly?

Dukat took a turn for the crazy frothing-at-the-mouth in the later seasons at DS9, whereas Scorpius is (at least for now, I don't know what happens in later seasons) still cold, calculating, and has motivations based in reality.

I think quite a few eps pass the Bechdel test by having great female guest stars (I'm terrible with names, but the mechanic person in Til the Blood Runs Clear, M'Lee, the women in Look at the Princess). For most of those characters (even the one forced into marriage!) their motivations are about way more than roping