
@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus She wasn't sure at the farm - at that point, I think it was conceivable (pun not intended) that it could have been either one. Now that she's actually had the baby, it shouldn't be too hard to count backwards and figure it out, and I think when the due date is probably

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus She wasn't sure at the farm - at that point, I think it was conceivable (pun not intended) that it could have been either one. Now that she's actually had the baby, it shouldn't be too hard to count backwards and figure it out, and I think when the due date is probably

@avclub-4a12f52ee4b6cf0be7737a9fd3eca03f:disqus Me too! Exciting.

Never mess with a classic.

Does it make me a bad person that I really can't wait for the Connor Kennedy break-up song?

Absolutely. I'm slowly getting more and more excited for Lincoln. Please don't break my heart again, Spielberg.

No matter which loses, we win.

Personally, I always make time for the live run of the Chevy Chase/Alison Brie talk show, Jewey.

Two consecutive all-nighters is in fact doable IF you can sleep through the day on the second one. Although fair warning - you may end up writing in bad Spanish at some point.

Nate Silver has kept me sane this election cycle. Damn right he'd better be right.

William Daniels is on Grey's Anatomy now. It's been a long road.

Remember the good old days, when Democrats represented the Dakotas? ::sigh::

They did give the world the Cambridge Five…

Wouldn't that be the inevitable baby?

I was once on the phone with a girlfriend and was complaining about Michelle Bachmann's rant about "real America" versus "not real America" (it was timely and relevant to the convo, but judge me), and she responded "yeah, but she's kind of right though, isn't she?" Sometimes, there are no words, and you just need to

I watched it original run (::checks date:: Christ, I'm old). I haven't seen it in a while, but I don't remember it getting truly horrible - I do remember each season being a little worse than the last.

Weekend off. Take that, NFL.

Amen, friendo.

Kennedy gets credit for a lot of things that LBJ actually got into law and that his brother was a more effective advocate for, without taking the blame that basically got stuck to everyone in politics in the late  1960s. He was the last major political figure to exit the stage before the Age of Cynicism.

100% true story - a guy who works with my mom got in a lot of trouble a while back when the IRS investigated him and found out that he was simultaneously married to two women, one in the U.S. and one in Peru, both of whom were named Lucy.