Qotita del Sol

perhaps the episode had already been animated before her death? the blackboard gag was likely added late.

"Lizzards"? Both misspelled AND capitalized?



there are some inexplicable lyrics on it, but at least they're "weird-bad", which sort of made them seem ballsy at the time—you couldn't, certainly, call a band a sellout or fully lump them in with the awful post-grunge critics tended to when they had lines like "looks like america's dropped her load", "i saw your

i think nasim pedrad is pretty clearly what she is. and cecily strong looks part latina to me, though i have no evidence.

do you rofo?

do you rofo?

I'm 41, read fluently at age 2, have a genius-level IQ, a degree in English/Creative Writing, and a facility with language surpassed only by my utter superiority to people like you in every way that is meaningful.


i don't care about liking them for some highbrow cred..but if they're not musical geniuses, they're in the ballpark. a good half of their stuff is definitely several cuts above "radio-friendly soft rock."

i didn't say you did either. i was responding to the person who said steely dan fans are bogus.

i think both of those bands are REALLY bad..and i am no hipster. i like plenty of uncool things unironically.

live took a really cool weird turn with secret samadhi, which is a great, unsung record (though not quite as good as throwing copper, which is amazingidon'tcarewhatanyonesays). then they got REALLY bad and actually became what their most vocal critics said they were.

every bush lyric was a set of supposedly provocative "contradictions":

the jerky boys entire universe for a few years there—and i had the bootleg cassettes of the crank calls, a good 5 or 6 years before the movie and all that—was a bane of sorts for me, as my given name is one they use prominently.

plus, shouldn't it be "jell"? doesn't that mean to coalesce or cohere, whereas "gel" is a cream? is it supposed to be a body fluids pun?

misery is so bad. most of the others—live, green day, matthew sweet, and even the bottom 3 electronic-y influenced tunes—are all pretty groovy, in my opinion. but the collective soul, bush and better than ezra shit is unforgivable.

yep. that.

isn't it "johnny's bananas"?