Qotita del Sol

i just think it sounds good.

damn! i thought i was original above (or is it below?). anyway, no more playing head games.

well, the 2nd millennium DIDN'T end on december 31, 1999. and i have no problem with people asserting that, at least for historical purposes (though you weren't going to convince me or anyone else when it happened that NYE '99 wasn't significant or cool, especially considering it fell on a friday!). but the technical

um. i get your spiel above about how decades "feel" in a cultural sense—for instance, a lot of pop songs from the very early 80s play like "70s music." but "'the 1990s' being defined as a 'decade consisting of dates containing ""nineteen ninety-something""'" (this is very hard to re-quote, given your multiple

i think tubthumping is a SUPER fun single, and deserves the success it had.

if only this sugar were as sweet as you, sir.

if i said you were cute, would that be creepy and off-topic, or just creepy?

and that deep blue something were ironic geniuses.


what about lou gramm? the dirty white boy!

i love steely dan, and have been on that shit since aja changed my 5 year old life. i am proud to NEVER say i like something when i don't (or vice/versa)..which is why i can say that i recognize lou reed's talent and importance, but i don't own any of his records and probably never will (although i kinda dig some of

if you don't understand, you don't understand.

maybe the foo fighters' best of you? or my chemical romance's famous last words?

pavement never started being cool. pearl jam's first 3 records were amazing. the smashing pumpkins are the greatest band ever.

perhaps my favorite nirvana tune.

glb is seriously one of the most unappreciated bands ever.

they might have been honest about it, but to me, what they're honest about is still bullshit. "full to bursting with heart and passion", again, is something that to me is the exact opposite of those 3 bands. i mean, fucking wow, seriously, "debaser"? "girl you're so groovy…ah ha ha ha!"?? that "radiates joy and

a lot of people who like a lot of things i do love elliot smith; i've never quite cracked that nut. but i find my parameters are expanding more and more as i get older, as far as what i can dig and what i can't (although i still kinda put certain things on a higher plane than others)..and because the current state of

yep. took the words outta my mouth. lil mama is no left-eye.

let's forget about the pure sound and musicality of those three bands for a second (though i could rail for days on how atonal or angular or noisy they all are, and how the notion that, for instance, the pixies write "catchy" songs, is completely bizarre)..can you at least allow that these are artists who create and