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    NAS!!! They must have met during a reclusive millionaire retreat in the mountains.
    Wait - Did he just introduce Nas as 'Dick Cannon'? HA. I love everything about this cameo.

    May have already been discussed and I just missed it, but do we know if Olivia kept any of the traits from her brainwashing? Like the sharpshooting? Or did the seizure/crossover, or whatever firmly plant her back in her own mind? If there is any holdover, well, that's just one more way Fauxlivia has taken

    I totally creeped-out my much older, much tougher brother when he came in at the episodes end, and I described to him what was going on. Seeing a gown man visibly recoil from the Freak Of The Week, and then ask "They arrested him right? Why are these other people talking? They should be showing him being taking

    McDonough's Cutshaw
    -Neal McDonough was fantastic. Cutshaw was very satisfying as the endgame Big Bad. Five minutes on screen, one conversation and I was creeped out, intrigued, and maybe a little mesmerized. I wanted to see more of this character but I also wanted to rub hand sanitizer all over my tv. I mean, how did

    Yes. My first thought was also of Unfaithful. I was starting to feel a little left out with everyone thinking of 25th Hour.

    Tijuana cell phone moment
    Adorable is right. I may have giggled a bit insanely when they saw each other.

    oops - would help if I named the movie - Fist of Legend

    needs more kung fu
    lets not even talk about the fight where they're blindfolded…
    no, lets go with the final fight scene.
    Jet Li's shoulder is dislocated by his opponent and he does a sort-of one arm push-up move to pop it back in to joint. The way it was shot, the emotional investment you've got in the hero, the fight

    Whenever my family catches Once Upon A Time In The West on tv, they inevitably turn to it and watch the beginning. Even when I was younger, mom and dad would do that. It was years later that I saw the whole movie.

    The scene at the end, when Kay looks back and as the door closes, we see Micheal, fully donned as Godfather.
    I imagine Kay is saying "aww shit" in her head.

    I thought the singing was going to annoy me but it was all so hilarious. I love how it went from "The Loooooooord" to "Tolerant re-write of carols to sing"

    Yeah, I agree with the criticism of the dialog.
    Despite all the awesome plot developments, the dialog was kinda painful and it made some of the scenes seem very…wooden. I mean, everyone seemingly had wooden acting syndrome this ep - November, Ballard, Echo, Denisoff. And I know Alexis Denisoff can act, we've seen him

    I like that they're not glossing over his new handicap. And sure, Bobby is made of hardened steel and will forever be bad-ass but he's human and it's been made pretty clear how much hunting becomes apart of one's identity. They haven't taken any of the magical fix routes, even after teasing us with them i.e.