Nerd Tangent

It may have been different if Superman had spent some of his battle with Zod trying to save everyone he could, whild Zod kept punching him and ambushing him.  Imagine if Zod kept attacking and destroying buildings while an exhausted Superman was rescuing people and flying them to safety.  And then have that final

Figure that 30% of the staff was killed during the Superman-Zod battle in Metropolis.  They're just trying to fill holes, and they may not been hit as hard as some of the other employers…

My issue with the ending: Why would people be in Metropolis at that point?  Who's there working?  Modest estimate would be that … 500,000 people just died?  Half the city is destroyed?  And you're trying to divide up tickets to a basketball game and show around the new reporter?  They should have had Clark get the job