
Cersei may try to kill her with her own assassins, but overall you are right.

I think you are right that Cersei will still try to kill her, for she blames Tyrion and Sansa for Joffrey's death. But as others point out, Cersei's power is waning. Maergery's thinks highly of Sansa and will pull Tommen to her way of thinking. Plus the North are still backing the Starks against both the Boltons and

It's possible but I would guess Stannis won't go along with it. Davos certainly won't. Maybe Davos and Jon Snow smuggle them out if Stannis's back is really against the wall and he figures he must sacrifice Shireen.

They won't. He just flayed some minor lords for refusing to pay taxes.

Tyrion knew and he sent Slynt to the Wall because Slynt sold out the previous Hand of the King.

I agree that Littlefinger's love for Catelyn complicates his character so that's he's not pure evil.

That was a great moment. There was also the scene in the episode before where Stannis receives a letter from the young ruler of Bear Island who tells Stannis to go fuck himself.

Yes Stannis could easily lose in a fight with the White Walkers and be drafted into their army. At least he said he's moving south again in a fortnight to avoid being snowed in. I'd keep moving South if I were him! Follow Jaime and Bronn down to Dorne!

Why wouldn't it be relevant? Littlefinger's betrayal led to all of her woes. Couldn't Brienne or Pod relay the truth to Sansa. Renly knew what happned and could have told Brienne. My guess is that it's common knowledge. Jon Snow probably knew he was beheading the guy who sold out his father.

My guess is that he has a plan to use Sansa to undermine the Boltons from within and take over Winterfell and the North. He told her to get vengeance on her family's betrayers instead of just being a grieving spectator. Roose Bolton certainly doesn't trust Littlefinger. And he has right to be paranoid espeically given

I was wondering that as well. My guess would be that she's asking him to come back to King's Landing "immediately" to help her use the Sparrows against Maergery.

I like how the show has Littlefinger and Varys working against each other, or rather Littlefinger working for himself and Varys working against him. I am still very much on team Varys and want to see Littlefinger pay for his betrayal of the Starks, but what must Varys have been thinking after hearing the Red Priestess

Littlefinger could have had a spy at Winterfell.

That's stupid. Why would you think Sansa would get a taste for sadism? That would be entirely out of character.

The North is behind Sansa because she's a Stark. Maybe it will be easier to kill the Boltons with Sansa working from the inside. She'll be close to them and know their plans. Easier but more dangerous.

He came off as pretty fanatical to me.

First off, they must have taken down the flayed men in the courtyard, obviously. But then you would think Littlefinger would hear about Ramsay's tax collection campaign.

The only losers are people like you who consider Ned, Dany, and Tyrion losers. You talk big when it comes to fiction but I really doubt your actual life measures up to your tough talk. Typical nerd/geek.

No your're stupid. She's smart enough to chose Selmy as an advisor. Varys sees potential in her.

Bronn on mean people: