Allen Wren

Holy shit, man, I had no idea that that piece existed. Totally made my lunchtime better. Much appreciation.

In one. I'm trying to wrap my head around it, I can't. I'm going to be late for work because I'm trying to get my slow-as-fuck-and-even-smaller-than-that mp3 player to get the boys' catalogue on for tonight. It's going to be a slow hot night on the streets.

So is this something that you have to have magic rich-person badges to get into, or can broke losers from north Austin get in, too?

I was going to say that this basically wouldn't work as a Gateway article, because the obvious gateway is Aeroplane, article done. (Mine was The Winter Is Coming, though, so mileage varies, obviously.) Then I saw there's two pages, so it's basically a primer already.

I was hoping we'd see something like a top-ten list of reader submissions for the you-pick-em category. Any way that the staff can make that happen?

Nah, they should cover Roky.

I had a guy bring up that Modest Mouse album with Antarctica in the title during a conversation about Strapping Young Lad once. Weird times.

The thing with that is that I'd actually like to learn the game, but everything now with the ten million douchebags is that they all think they're going to go and win tournaments. I just want to play small, but the culture is now, to me, reclusive pros and hardcore douchebags.

I have always been a fan of the river of molten lava bit. 'cos man, they're gone.

Absolutely not. This is going to sound stupid, but the way the chorus just hangs off the end with "I can almost see you" makes me consider it one of the greatest love song moves ever. Serious.

The way I always ended up seeing it was that they weren't even covering Cale after a certain point, they were covering Buckley covering Cale. I know people who practically lust after covers of that song, but the moment I describe something I really like from Cohen's back catalogue (Teachers and Stranger Song often

The main weird thing is that the family tree is something like this: Cohen wrote and performed it. Cale reinterpreted it and added some lyrics from Cohen's notes. Buckley covered Cale's version. Everyone else and their grandmother covers Buckley's cover. Depending on where you are, you can see multiple performances

Andrew WK's one of those dudes who'll record with anyone, get him into the studio with The Darkness, it'll be the best.

I liked Lacuna Coil's first EP, then a couple tracks after that, but Nightwish just doesn't do it for me at all, and I always get anime nerd friends acting like I'm somehow less into metal than them for not being into the "epic gothness" or whatever. Excuse me? Which of us actually owns Sunn O))) records? Which of us

The lines on the pedestal table are those of a snooker table, for some god-unknown reason. I could swear there's some other super-British table game involving red and yellow balls, but fuck if I can remember what it is. Maybe an actual Brit could chime in there instead of just me, an American who's watched too much TV.

Word on the mean streets of the internet is that apparently Pisces and
Mellon Collie are next up for the deluxe re-release treatment anyway.

I understand what you (and tank experts) are going for there with those criteria, but now I'm imagining #4 with a tank that does indeed lack dismounted infantry carrying capacity but DOES have MOUNTED infantry (which I guess would be cavalry) carrying capacity. Like a giant tank that deploys a swarm of miniature tanks

Cop Shoot Cop is the best two-bass band, though.

It's in a tiny plastic bag.
At least, I think it is.