
He's also Dolourus Ed in my head.

He's also Dolourus Ed in my head.

When he holds that fake pencil-impaled eyeball and takes a bite, every fiber of my eight-year-old being wanted to try it too. For some reason it seemed like it tasted good.

Jon's was better because he didn't just fall off a boat and drown like Tyrion (almost) did. Live or die, he was still betrayed by his "brothers" and that's what was shocking.

I hate when I read summaries of characters and their story-lines on Wikipedia and then all these spoilers keep popping up! I agree, it's impossible to not have things spoiled nowadays!

Suddenly Penn the editor seems utterly prophetic

Fair enough but you only need to look at the women's team to see real c-listers.

Someone who has been consistently famous for 20+ years scores higher than a C.  I also think you underestimate what it means to be a permanent Vegas headliner. Those guys practically had a casino built around their show. In my opinion the majority of the men's team are relatively big stars. Solid B-listers at least.

I see the celebs have been downgraded from "c-listers" to "d-listers" this week. I'd have a hard time calling anyone on the men's team a c-to-d-lister. Maybe Lou. You come across as pretty snobby when you put Penn Jillette on the c-list. I prefer my snark with a little more tongue in cheek. Otherwise you just have

It's funny you should mention that last part. I saw this in the theater and was one of the few who started laughing like an idiot when they cut to Seth Rogen humping away. Maybe it was just because of the "shock" thing. I still felt pretty deflated when everyone else laughed at her waking up and demanding more.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think the date rape scene would have been funnier if it just cut to the rape and Seth Rogen's mutterings and then ended without Anna Farris waking up?

Funny thing is, when I imagine what most of the writers on this site are like, I think of Melfi's son.