

I guess they needed someone we'd buy as looking up to Lindsey.

This season's theme reminds me of Ursula LeGuin's story, "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas." Is the peace & harmony of many worth the torture of one child? At least in Omelas, the citizens were provided with the choice. This Angel episode seems to address what would happen if someone were to free that child of

Or it's just a comment on how everything is consciousness, and it's all connected.

I think Faith and Spike sparring is totally in character for both. Neither is one for lengthy debate.

I love TBBT and Community, but I don't need to choose which to watch. I have a DVR, and both shows are available online. The competition is just between people who like being haters.

Perhaps if Wil Wheaton showed a sudden interest in Amy…


I don't think he's "evil," but I don't quite think of him as a mercenary either. He claims to work for the PTB, it seems. I do wonder if it was always Whedon's plan to build up the PTB as god-like force of goodness…and then, subvert that to make us question the nature and intentions of such a thing. Are the good guys

Then again…maybe the writers for each show were just exploring different takes on the concepts of free will and the nature (& origin) of evil.

I've wondered something similar. It all seems like a larger cosmic game is being played out between the two shows. Besides, how great would it have been to see Torres & Fillion duke it out in an ultimate death match?!

I think you're right.

The show was originally created for children…and it still speaks to the child in me. It's not just silly; it revels in its silliness. That it can do that while still being smart, funny and touching makes the show brilliant. 

The show was originally created for children…and it still speaks to the child in me. It's not just silly; it revels in its silliness. That it can do that while still being smart, funny and touching makes the show brilliant.

Does anyone else want to see the Doctor find a way to save River from the library? 

I find the evolution of Spike this season interesting—soul, trigger, chip, and all. In another actor's hands, though, it could've gone horribly wrong.

Oh, I don't know. I loved Anya in Him, and she has some good moments with Andrew.

Considering how often Cordy got knocked up by demons, I'm sure they had no trouble writing around (& with) her actual pregnancy.

Cheryl's gross brother
Does anyone else want him to be Jason Bateman?

It's neck and neck with The Venture Bros. for me.