
Also: "You better put that back in your purse."

I think it's perfectly valid to skip to some great episodes in order to get more invested in the show. Do go back and watch the other ones later, though. Having some context may help you better appreciate the less-than-great episodes.

"A soul is slipperier than a greased weasel."

Doesn't Holtz specifically state that he's decided that love is a more powerful tool for vengeance than hate?

@Angry Badger: HA! I hadn't thought of that. Nice…

@McJulie: Yes—that's it, exactly! I hope that ends the DLT debate. :)

@ Iseult: I'd argue that love spells, roofies and Warren's will-dampening orb are all much closer to rape in intent than Spike actions are in this scene. Spike knows that Buffy is as strong or stronger than he is, and it's not like he just came over all rapey that day.

Tara is the innocent caught in the cross-fire. They could've made that be Dawn, but the impact would not have been as great. (There would be much rejoicing, I suspect.) Though I sort of wonder how Buffy would've handled that, Willow's reaction makes for more interesting viewing.

I'd agree with that, PW. It's even harder for the offender to accept a no when the woman has given in after a no in the past. Because of his altered (by whatever means) consciousness, he can't pick up on the situational differences.

Such insightfulness re: "The Price," Noel! This is why I'm addicted to your posts.

What, no suggestions for a Britta/Annie pairing?

…or that puzzles like this are commonly used in black ops mind-expanding projects. This seems to be what both shows are suggesting.

This episode helps make clear for me why Walter didn't tell adult Peter that his mother wouldn't let him send her "son" home: because it didn't really happen that way. Or maybe she reacted that way initially, but like a real person, her feelings on the subject evolved as she witnessed Peter's angst. (And, as noted

I'm thinking (or hoping?) that perhaps Olivia will "rediscover" her pyrokinetic abilities in Peter's presence, thereby triggering a memory recovery for both of them.

Just to clarify…Xander doesn't always jump into action. Sometimes he drags his feet, but that stems more from fear than reason.

I'm at a loss to come up with an example of Xander actually thinking something through before jumping into action, so this episode seems to fit him quite well, actually. Yes, he's a jerk for not realizing earlier that he's probably too young, immature &/or messed up to get married, but he's not a jerk for making the

More like laughing in the face of the network gods (I hope). I was so tickled by the title; I'm glad someone mentioned it!

Notoftenpunctual: One more who agrees with you.

"Pizza Deliverance?" But I guess the Drive-By Truckers already took that title.

Since Halfrek wears her demon face at the wedding, it seems reasonable that Spike didn't fully recognize her. I'm not saying that I'm totally going with the Halfrek is Cecily idea, though…