
LOL. And then: "mom hair."

I always thought her nickname should've been "Delia," to be more consistent with Whedon's typical naming convention. And because it sounds better.

Xander is, in turns, oblivious and insightful. Both reactions are in character for him, though he progresses more towards the latter in S7.

Considering the backlog of cases they probably have in Sunnydale, it may be safe to assume that Buffy doesn't get another visit until over a year later. I like to think of her file finally reaching the top of the pile right around episode 19 of Season 7 (Empty Places).

Exactly! Dull and dreary is what we're supposed to feel about the episode. The banality of it all. Also, cat burgers. Possibly.

Skip gets my vote as best NEW character, though.

Speaking of invisible
Phantom Dennis is one of the best characters this season. I love how Fred shakes his hat in greeting.

I love learning new words here…and new non-words too!

Not only does the house collapse around them, but they don't seem to notice it happening. That, for me, is the main theme of the season.

It seems to me that what's "wrong" with Buffy is that, on some level, she wants to let Spike in.

@Annoyed: Don't get me wrong. I do think Angel/Liam is the better character, mostly because he was in more need of redemption than Spike/William. I should've qualified what I meant by "better man" — as in, by polite society's standards…and by Angel's standards too (judging by "Amends").

It's interesting to note that when they were each human, William was the better man.

The ending montage was powerful for me, and it seemed to fit the show. I would *love* to hear more Misfits, though!

Thanks for the chart! One quibble: Spike isn't a Billy Idol wannabe. It's the other way around, apparently. ;)

I'm thinking that the component Fauxlivia stole is what the device in E2 was missing, the function of which Peter could be used as substitute. Does that make sense? Or am I missing something?