He's right that MTV played this video basically every hour.
He's right that MTV played this video basically every hour.
I thought he made his case well: it's boring, with dumb lyrics, indefensibly long for a rock song, terrible video, and you literally could not escape it that summer.
I get what you're saying, but a song that you heard once and then never again could never rise to the #1 spot on your hate list. I remember hearing "One Headlight" by the Wallflowers and thinking it was a reasonably bad song but innocuous. The fact that I couldn't escape it for three months made me hate the song,…
Does anyone know what the album cover of Aja is all about? All I can ever make out is what looks like a man's nose.
On the Wonder Years, a girl named Madeline was introduced for a few episodes as a temptress for Kevin Arnold while he was going through a rough patch with Winnie.
"Mulitiplicity" deserves better than barely being mentioned.I still quote that movie all the time.
What is going on with that guy's neck?
The fact that there are a few guys who aren't afraid to make all human beings laugh at themselves instead of protecting their precious feelings, tells me that we're closer to equality than ever.
I think "Multiplicity" is like "Revenge of the Nerds." They're not "good" movies, but they're entertaining, funny and quotable.
"I'm going to get you a gift."
"A chainsaw?"
My all-time favorite Simpsons one-liner. "Awwwwwww" - as it flies right back over the gate.
Though it's not mentioned above, I was 10 or so when "Side Out" was released and a young Courtney Thorne Smith really helped push me into puberty.
I like this show because it's usually really funny, and has a great cast.
@avclub-ac9409d10ea7b978d52b9e977ef787cc:disqus I'll try to briefly sell you on L.A., it's up to you if any of my reasons seem compelling. Beautiful weather, beautiful people, beaches (these are the three things that S.F. lacks in comparison), awesome food, nightlife, comedy, live music and we get to see the limited…
I only watched one episode, but there was a funny scene where Helen made a stop at the organic grocery, but forgot to bring a re-usable bag. The entire store reacts as if she's just kicked a child.
Only a raging asshole who hates fun, music, food and booze could dislike New Orleans.
Did you hug him too hard to thank him? Movie's hilarious.
Van Halen rules as hard, or harder, than O'Doyle.
I always thought it sounded like a dental drill.
I think Classic VH is dinged for making loud, tasty grooves centered on little else than having a great time. Rock critics hate that they had the nerve not to make "important" music about suffering or whatever.