
Jason, when you star in an action-comedy with Melissa McCarthy you sort-of lose some clout to act like a bad ass.

I'm sort of wonder if there wasn't an arc this season that'll continue into the next one or something where it seems like Louie is very much entering something of a depression. The biggest "tell" with this is his beard growth and just how generally "scruffy" he looks. He's usually somewhat shaved and kept-up to a

Hindsight is 20/20, though I wonder why Louie went for the courtesy phone instead of taking the girl (or "herding her") to the train-station headed in other direction to potentially find her group at the previous stop.

It's another one of those surreal touches the show has every now and then and has done from the beginning. There's plenty of times where the show's been inconsistent with "reality" or even its own continuity (what race is his ex-wife, again?) So take the name of the bun-stand as either literally being the name or just

No, I'm with Louie. He was taking the car to get from Point A to Point B, not to make friends. Moreover, he comes from a city where he likely rides in a car to get to his destination all of the time with minimal interaction with the driver, so his POV is fairly valid.
The driver wasn't getting the hint and, more


She could have a niece/nephew she takes care of and interacts with the school a lot through, or just really active with the school despite not having a child there. Or, yeah, a teacher or some school/district staff member.

She was being sort of a big b***h. With Louie. I could sort of get behind her frustration with Louie's insistence in bringing an entree rather than a dessert like she needed. But her reaction to him is still a bit hostile, as is her greeting of him when he shows up at the Pot Luck.
And, okay, him sexing up the

It seemed to be a pure, full, "I don't give a damn anymore" depression beard.

Yeah, I did think, "Boy, for a middle-aged man who just came from the bathroom and who deals with crippling depression he sure got hard pretty darn fast!"