I just blue myself upon seeing this review posted.
No, because Long Dong Silver will come out of retirement to play Donald Glover's character.
Cue a 2,000 word article by TVDW, decrying the patriarchal structure inherent to the AV Club comments, which fueled the development of this misogynistic attack on all 27 year old, female, showrunners.
I wish Ebert was still around :(
You're not sending me to the cooler!
I'm glad to see that The Riddler did reform after all.
I still can't believe they got away with the Harley pie sequence. There wasn't even a slight attempt at subtlety, and even as kid I knew that there was something "dirty" being implied.
At least we still have Zack Handlen and Todd…. SOMEONE TELL ME EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY! :(
RIP. Writers and critics from non-film fields could learn a lot from him.
Donna needs to edit her entries more thoroughly. "Harebrained" is such an embarrassing typo. The correct spelling is obviously "donkey-brained".
Great end to a great season. I'm real happy that they closed the season with "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" once again.
And to think that this is one of the only new network shows this season to not bomb right out of the gate. Fox sure worked hard for this F!
Whenever I'm now asked how I know a person, I'll have the perfect response.
"I have a dream. That one day every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny."
Honestly, as amazing as BTAS is, the show does have a pretty large amount of "mediocre-to-garbage" quality episodes. I know that this was a groundbreaking (kids!) cartoon, but its inconsistency really stands out in these reviews. Oliver's reviews have reaffirmed my belief that Justice League Unlimited was the best…
Real funny episode. Wynn Duffy's facial expressions in reaction to Raylan's various shenanigans will never get old.
Reading analyses like this every week for one of my favorite shows is going to be such a treat.
The AV Club is going to be reviewing all of the The Shield?!
I would have opted for the American Horror Story route.