
She's Afghan.

There was nothing artificial about that insemination.

“Perfumed ponce”. I thought she was talking about the Loras' boyfriend.

Is it me or does Jonathan Pryce look a lot like pope Francis?

Fucking Stannis and his fucking vacation at the Wall.

"HOW-ha" comes pretty close.

Anchor, hands down.

He will appear when the NW can't hold the wildlings any longer, I guess…

Maybe the B-17 pilot's demeanor changed not because the B-29 navigator was a B-29 navigator, but because he said he had the time of his life during the war (just a wild guess, you're the one who heard the conversation).

That would be "Eunucos y esclavas, un amor imposible". Most literal telenovela ever.

She did it out of spite.

Yeah, Dinklage knocked it out of the park, but this season is this show's Feast for Crows. I'm aware that they could run out of Martin's material if they kept the pace from previous seasons, but it seems that things at KL will take forever.

Well, I guess you're forcing me to clarify that my previous comment was a joke.

Go read some of Freud works and then come back.

Ah, calling a guy a woman to get him to do what you know is best for him, I sure use that tactic a lot with my 2-year-old.

Please stop.

You are so wrong.

Ace of Pies?

This show needs to find another song for its characters to sing.

hy·per·bo·le [hahy-pur-buh-lee] 
noun Rhetoric .
1.obvious and intentional exaggeration.