
I'm not sure how to explain the level of affection I feel for Foggy… I'm not sure what it is, but I love him. I watched all 8 episodes and just loved every moment of him.

Her baby is fine, though.

Two additional things that have occurred to me:

That's funny to me, because at the moment he made significant sympathetic eye-contact with June, my immediate thought was that he's getting killed off very soon.

I can't watch this show in the same room as my dog anymore… I get upset and then he gets upset and then Janine kisses June on the forehead and I sob hysterically and my dog steals my used tissues.

I also found this very interesting- to me it suggested she was aware of the extracurricular nature of Waterford's relationship with the previous Offred, and therefore might also be aware of what's going on with the current one.

So the entire backstory behind Nick becoming an Eye is… some random guy recruited him early on and he fell into it? I mean, I guess that could be an interesting exploration of the culpability of the non-believer who follows along out of passivity and convenience, but this episode definitely was not that.

I think they chose to focus on the wrong parts of Luke's journey to the present- showing us some of what his life's been like in Canada the past 3 years would've been a lot more interesting to me than rehashing their failed escape.

The images Handmaid's faces when the children were brought out are going to haunt me

I took the cut from the bloody water washing down the steps to June's bathtub to mean that she was menstruating again, and therefore not pregnant. Anyone else catch that?

Something occurred to me during the closing Peter/Olivia scene.  I'm not really sure how to articulate this, but I think that the Fringe multiverse comes not with many single universes, but with many pairs of universes.  To expand, Red/Blue are two universes, but they are an inextricably linked pair.  The Amber verse

Also, having just re-watched "Stowaway", Lincoln pretty obviously has a crush on Peter.  There's, like, eye contact and prolonged handshakes and giggling. 

I'm slightly intimidated by my developing crush on new!Blue!Lincoln.  I think it's the glasses because, damn, he is attractive.  And possibly perfect. 

I dunno how the show would tackle the straight over there/gay over here conundrum, though.  Potential for something interesting, but I'm sure it's not something Fringe will ever address (and in all honesty that's probably for the best). 

I think Lincoln is still hurting over the loss of his partner, and thus developing a little obsession with hunting down the shapeshifters.  I would LOVE to see Lincoln interacting with his partner's now-fatherless children, but I'm sure we'll never see them again.

Well, tonight's was five, so we'll have two more episodes and then a long break before episode eight. 

I can't imagine turning down Anna Torv.  Ever, under any circumstances.

Are you suggesting that Lincoln is merely… well-adjusted?


Episode 8 will be pushed back to Jan.