Da Mann

Noel,  Thank you for a thoughtful and interesting article. I'm curious if you (and others) who are autistic (or love someone who is) or work in the
sciences are troubled by the
confounding of these traits with a love
of comics/fantasy and their associated toys, movies, etc)? My sense
of this combination is that it

Hey Mark is that you? I'm sorry, but after going 8 years through grad school and only listening to NPR, hearing Isolation Drills and Bee thousand in the same month was too much. Maybe I went a little overboard, but I'm better now. Seriously, i'm better now.  Wanna hang out this weekend? I could show you pictures of

Thats a good conversation.Curious what if any of his work from that time he considers didn't 'stand the test of time'?  Kind of bummed Steve Hyden didn't get Pollard or Sprout to participate in the One track mind project.  But at this point it's all gravy with this re-united GBV lineup.

Do all bands that perform on this show sit in a circle and face each other, or is that just a sign that Loutallica are just playing for and to themselves?

Someday, Lovecraft, you can know the joy of playing 'The Rake's song' loud after your children disappoint you. If they share your literate, morbid view of the world then the message will get across with a beat all can thrash to.

Were those interviews for the AVClub? If not, were can they be found?
I get that OTM ask the artist to pick a song, but If you did get the chance to talk with Uncle Bob through OTM, what song would you like him to discuss?

Steve, are you or others at the AVClub going to include Pollard, or maybe Tobin Sprout as part of the "One Track Mind" series?  Do you think Bob has a story about one of his 1,654,984 songs (based on barefoot jim's estimate)?

Is it too spot on that the flashback to the Charles/Noreen story has him fitting wings to a pig with comments circulating about his failed business dealings (i.e. he's gonna be successful 'when pigs fly')?  I get the sense that they using horror to tell jokes that were left out of South Park episodes.