
Right on all counts. It's incredibly rare and some disgusting Mohel did spread diseases to babies. I never even heard about it until I was an adult and that story came out, and I have 5 nephews!

Odd that they didn't tie in anything that happened on Arrow this week. When is that bomb going to drop? (I still think there is no way Laurel isn't coming back to the show.)

Did you really just write almost an entire post criticizing how she looks and speaks? I thought it was all a joke at first, but it seems you actually meant every word you typed. If only Hillary could give you the right smile with her middle fingers like Abbi and Ilana.


I understand why Nick and Juliet would go through that thought process, it just doesn't make for very compelling viewing.

I'm pretty sure that is the maid that Conrad told to get Aiden out of the guest house.