
"Additionally - How could Stefan sign over the deed to the house that Bonnie owns without her signature?"
I was wondering that myself. And then it also made me wonder how the fuck paperwork can be tied to the supernatural at all.

Also, no way Caroline is the love of Stefan's life. It was so clearly a pity relationship. Caroline has had pretty horrible luck with boyfriends. Honestly, Klaus treated her the best and he was straight up evil. I think whatshername might be the most viable candidate for being Stefan's true love. That heretic lady.

Right? Talk about a consolation prize.

Honestly, I never liked Matt. He was such a dick to Caroline when they were dating that it soured me on him forever. He's such a sanctimonious asshole. And pretty racist, if you consider vampires a race.

ME TOO! SO ANGRY! I know it's just a TV show and everything but I actually said "fuck you, Stefan" out loud when he killed Enzo. Fuck everyone else for asking Bonnie to sacrifice everything AGAIN, and fuck the writers for being the real cause of her misery. Bonnie has been my favorite character since day one, and now

It's not just you. I'm white, grew up Catholic (lapsed at 14) in the suburbs and I still can't figure out why we're supposed to care about these people. If it weren't for the Christopher Eccleston episode, I would be gone already.

He looks like Chuck Klosterman. A fey Chuck Klosterman.