Buck Dharma Initiative

I work with a guy who lives nearby (he walks his dog on Salisbury Plain) and has never been. That just seems weird to me.

Was just thinking of this yesterday - might be my favorite Simpson's joke of all time.

Yeah, I can understand that. It just that it's been my experience that folks that are into Byrne and the like are also into Bowie. You're clearly not, and that's cool. I was (and I know you'll find this shocking here at the AV Club) being kind of snarky with my original "how is anyone alive not familiar" remark.

Bowie moved on from glam rock somewhere around 1974. That was my point - he IS in lots of peoples' demographic. I would have thought that hipster from NYC, regardless of age, would fit the Bowie's demographic as well. It's fine if you're not familiar with his stuff, it's just strikes me as a little odd.

Seriously, I grew up hearing Bowie (I'm 53) I know that my mother knows at least a song or two by him and my Facebook feed this AM had heartfelt eulogizing from my 35 year old niece, a 20-something friend and a 15 year old. How is anyone alive not familiar with Bowie?

"I'll be just like Obama, but with more wars!" - Hillary.

Or you'll look at the evidence the filmmakers left out and still be unsure of whether or not he did it. Also you may still be angry because even if he's guilty there's no way he wasn't railroaded and we can't allow that to happen if we want to live in a free society.

Are the brothers or the ex-boyfriend played by a recognizable actor?

The People's Choice Awards did have Kether Donohue as one of the presenters, so they can't be all bad.

Danny Sugarman relates a story of her OD'ing on smack on her way to her first day shooting the show - so, yeah, it's probably not Bertinelli's fault.

I don't hate Sorum and he's a fine drummer. But Appetite is probably the greatest hard rock album of all time due, in no small part, to the energy Steven added to the mix. I don't think that the Use Your Illusion albums wold rank in my top 50 hard rock albums.

I love that they say the villains are based on the Obama administration, like it's all the supposedly liberal things Obama does as opposed to the one thing Obama does that they actually like - the extra-legal killing of people in Middle Eastern countries.

Seriously? About 80% of the energy on Appetite comes from Steven's drumming. That energy is almost completely missing from Use Your Illusion.

Hahaha, good one. You think Axl will ride on the same bus as the other guys? They rode separately to gigs before Sweet Child broke and made them huge. Axl has always been a huge dick that no one wants to be around.

I'm don't understand where you get this idea. Most Democrats these days are center-right - which is in the US is considered the moderate position. There are only a few truly progressive Dems in Congress (Sanders, Warren, maybe Franken), the rest are completely bought and paid for by corporate interests, so I'm

I needed one of those weird, flat batteries (a CR2032 for you battery nerds). They were about $3.50 for one at the local CVS or Walmart, but I could get 20 for $8 from Amazon (with free Amazon Prime shipping). I couldn't pass up that deal, despite the fact that I'll probably never use 18 of them.

It's a pretty straightforward cover.

I believe the correct phrase would be "cocaine-addled mind of label president Neal Bogart."

He also sings "Black Diamond" which is a legitimately great rock and roll song.

Miller was always libertarian and was pretty conservative long before 9/11. I stopped watching his HBO show long before it ended because he'd gone so far to the right.